During Kensu training we use Spark-Notebook, Spark, Cassandra; to offer an easy way to use it we propose a VM to import in VMWare or VirtualBox
- build image template with Packer
- create VM instances with Terraform
You need to have set your Azure credentials ARM_CLIENT_ID, ARM_CLIENT_SECRET, ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID, ARM_TENANT_ID.
You need to have an Azure resource group and storage account created and set the related variables AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT, AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP.
export AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT=kensuiotraining
export AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=training
During the build Packer create an user to install configuration on VM, you need to set it with variables PACKER_SSH_USER and PACKER_SSH_PASS
export PACKER_SSH_USER=kensu
export PACKER_SSH_PASS=world
the VM image is built with Packer
packer build packer-azure.json
the VM image is built with Packer
packer build packer-hyperv.json
Destroy all resources except resource_group.
terraform plan -destroy $(for r in
terraform state list | fgrep -v azurerm_resource_group.main ; do echo "-target ${r} "; done) -out destroy.plan
And now apply it
terraform apply "destroy.plan"