- directory of all the genomes (.fna ) (/share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/new_all_seqs/)
- directory with the outgroups (in the .faa.fasta form) (/share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/notes/non_producers/)
- hmm_seqs (the known positives to create the model in a list) should be in directory with all genomes (/share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/notes/hmm_seqs.txt)
- directory with all of the Vio genes to use as a gold standard for getting the other known producer's genes for the hmm
First we need to do some general set up.
# make a directory somewhere convenient.. mine is at /share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/ then cd there
mkdir new_all_seqs
# copy over the directory
cp /share/eisenlab/gjospin/misc/Marina/Marina_test/genomes_Aug19/Vio_assemblies/Vio_genomes/* new_all_seqs/
# make a directory that will store our hmms
mkdir hmm_results/
# make a directory to build and store trees in
mkdir trees/
# make a directory that will serve to store some extra information like non_producers and names of our known producers
mkdir notes/
cp /share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/notes/* notes/
# this genome already in that directory is incorrect
rm new_all_seqs/Dviolaceinigra_DSM15887.*
Lets first add the file name to the beginning of all of the seqs in
, andnotes/test_seqs
- Add the filename to the start of all the sequence for ease when building the tree later:
for f in *.fna ; # .faa for the known non producers do awk '/>/{sub(">","&"FILENAME"__");sub(/\.fna/,x)}1' "$f" > "$f".fasta ; done
- Add the filename to the start of all the sequence for ease when building the tree later:
Load the necessary packages:
module load diamond
module load prodigal
module list
(Currently Loaded Modulefiles):- -1) slurm/latest 2) anaconda3/4.5.12 3) snakemake/5.6.0 4) diamond/0.9.24 5) prodigal/2.6.3
Create the database of the inferred proteins:
cat *.fasta | prodigal > gene.coords2.gbk -a protein.translations.faa
Make the database of proteins:
diamond makedb --in protein.translations.faa -d all_proteins
Run master_script.sh. This script will grab the matches for each of the genes of interest at any e-value of interest.
The output here will be some fasta files with the hits of interest.
Grab the sequences of interest that we want to build the hmm from.
for i in `cat ../notes/hmm_seqs.txt`; do cat matches_VioE_0.00000001.m8.sfasta | grep $i -A 1 | head -2; done > hmm_matches_VioE_0.00000001.m8.sfasta
Check to make sure that all of the genes returned the number of hits (14) so 28 should be returned for all files since it includes the sequences as well.
for i in hmm_matches_Vio?_0.00000001.m8.sfasta; do cat $i | wc -l; done`
Run build_and_test_hmms.sh, this will also test the query sequences against the non_producers and known producers
The output here will be a file like the following. (hmm_matches_VioA_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final)
0 2432.4 17.5 0 2432.2 17.5 1.0 1 Cviolaceum_12472_GCF_000007705.1__NC_005085.1_3182 # 3561961 # 3564957 # -1 # ID=1_ 0 1450.7 7.8 0 1450.6 7.8 1.0 1 jliv_NFR18_GCF_900119665.1__NZ_FPKH01000001.1_1012 # 1155693 # 1158710 # -1 # ID=11 0 1456.6 7.0 0 1456.5 7.0 1.0 1 JLiv_1522_LRHW01.1__gi|1078206172|gb|LRHW01000061.1|_19 # 16357 # 19377 # -1 # ID=82_19; 0 1445.2 6.5 0 1445.0 6.5 1.0 1 JLiv_MP5059B__gi|1078198150|gb|LRHX01000012.1|_113 # 130375 # 133395 # 1 # ID=158_1 0 1434.5 7.3 0 1434.3 7.3 1.0 1 JLiv_HH100__gi|1078222769|gb|LRHY01000006.1|_364 # 380888 # 383902 # 1 # ID=2271_ 0 1434.5 7.3 0 1434.3 7.3 1.0 1 JLiv_HH102__gi|1078226882|gb|LRHZ01000004.1|_390 # 493670 # 496684 # -1 # ID=325_ 0 1434.5 7.3 0 1434.3 7.3 1.0 1 JLiv_HH103__gi|1078236093|gb|LRIA01000027.1|_184 # 206314 # 209328 # -1 # ID=473_ 0 1445.7 6.8 0 1445.5 6.8 1.0 1 JLiv_HH104__gi|1078235330|gb|LRIB01000027.1|_250 # 265396 # 268413 # 1 # ID=3755_ 0 1434.9 8.2 0 1434.8 8.2 1.0 1 JLiv_HH106__gi|1078243536|gb|LRIC01000002.1|_386 # 493596 # 496610 # -1 # ID=3795 0 1437.5 8.1 0 1437.3 8.1 1.0 1 JLiv_HH107__gi|1078255902|gb|LRID01000023.1|_67 # 71830 # 74844 # 1 # ID=1795_67 0 1441.9 12.0 0 1441.7 12.0 1.0 1 DugHH01_GCF_001758795.1_ASM175879v1_genomic__NZ_LRON01000001.1_481 # 631843 # 634863 # 1 # ID=2936_ 0 1437.7 12.1 0 1437.6 12.1 1.0 1 DugHH105_GCF_001758545.1_ASM175854v1_genomic__NZ_LRHV01000001.1_231 # 309508 # 312528 # -1 # ID=916_ 0 1462.4 9.4 0 1462.2 9.4 1.0 1 Mviolaceinigra_GCF_002752675.1_ASM275267v1_genomic__NZ_CP024608.1_4234 # 5021665 # 5024682 # -1 # ID=20 0 1435.5 10.1 0 1435.3 10.1 1.0 1 PsuedoDugViolaceinigra_GCF_000425385.1_ASM42538v1_genomic__NZ_AUDI01000004.1_430 # 450837 # 453863 # 1 # ID=2056_ 0.24 14.4 0.2 0.39 13.7 0.2 1.2 1 D_thermophilium_GCF_000020965.1_ASM2096v1_protein__WP_012547829.1 NAD(P)/FAD-dependent oxidoreduct 0.00061 22.9 0.0 1.8 11.5 0.0 2.3 2 E_minutum_GCF_000020145.1_ASM2014v1_protein__WP_012414458.1 oxidoreductase [Elusimicrobium m
- the parameters here can be changed based on the locations of the components mentioned at the start.
- then lets generate a "Probability" that the results in the HMM are a producer of Violacein
python prob_producer.py -i hmm_matches_VioA_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final,hmm_matches_VioB_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final,hmm_matches_VioC_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final,hmm_matches_VioD_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final,hmm_matches_VioE_0.00000001.m8.sfasta.results.final
Small e_value means high chance of that gene... therefore 1-e-value multiplied for all genes to calc intersection of them all occuring
Cviolaceum_12472_GCF_000007705.1 1.0 jliv_NFR18_GCF_900119665.1 1.0 JLiv_1522_LRHW01.1 1.0 JLiv_MP5059B 1.0 JLiv_HH100 1.0 JLiv_HH102 1.0 JLiv_HH103 1.0 JLiv_HH104 1.0 JLiv_HH106 1.0 JLiv_HH107 1.0 DugHH01_GCF_001758795.1_ASM175879v1_genomic 1.0 DugHH105_GCF_001758545.1_ASM175854v1_genomic 1.0 Mviolaceinigra_GCF_002752675.1_ASM275267v1_genomic 1.0 PsuedoDugViolaceinigra_GCF_000425385.1_ASM42538v1_genomic 1.0 D_thermophilium_GCF_000020965.1_ASM2096v1_protein 4.750000000000001e-06 E_minutum_GCF_000020145.1_ASM2014v1_protein 6.246187500000001e-06
- TODO find some query sequences that return the result
Get the 16s sequences for building the tree.
diamond blastx -d master -q ../16s/e_coli_16s.fasta -o testing.txt --max-target-seqs 0 --evalue 0.1 -f sam diamond blastx -d master -q ../16s/e_coli_16s.fasta -o testing.txt --max-target-seqs 0 --evalue 0.1 -f sam tail -n +6 testing.txt | awk '{print ">"$3,$1"\n"$10}' > testing.txt.fasta for i in `cat ../notes/hmm_seqs.txt`; do cat testing.txt.fasta | grep $i -A 1 | head -2; done > hmm_16s_seqs.fasta
Build trees for the 16s and genes. /share/biocore/keith/eisenlab/trees/
module load anaconda3 source activate /home/keithgmitchell/synapse for i in *.sfasta.msa; do FastTree $i > "${i}.tre"; done