Frontiers in Microbiology Paper:
- The Manual provided below will provide setup instructions as well as important tutorials for students/researchers for jumpstarting the analysis process with the various tools shown in the schema above.
- If you are on Windows you can run the program by installing the Linux subsystem as shown here: or you can use a VM of your choice.
- Install Conda for your operating system (
- for mac download the .pkg file
- Run
git clone
by opening terminal in the folder of your choice. conda config --append channels conda-forge
;conda config --append channels bioconda
conda create -n puma_env --file requirements.txt
- Be sure to select "Yes" by clicking "y" when prompted.
- This may take 5-10 mins.
conda activate puma_env
- You should now see
at the start of your terminal instead of(base)
- You should now see
pip install -r pip_requirements.txt; mkdir temp
- For the CLI and the GUI run
python --help
respectively. - A window will pop in your default browser, if it says "This site can not be reached" click refresh.
- Navigate to the directory where you ran part 2 of the installation process.
- For example:
cd /Users/keithmitchell/Desktop/Repositories/PUMA
- You should see files such as pip_requirements.txt,, etc.
- For example:
- Run
git pull
- Run steps 1, 3-8 from "How to Install"
Results from running the PUMA scripts will produce output in the directory ‘output/’, or a specified output directory, with a prefix for the time the job was completed YEAR_MONTH_DAY_HOUR_MINUTE as well as a descriptive suffix such as ‘functional_profile’, ‘anacapa’, ‘MrDNA’, or ‘QIIME 2’ such as that shown in the Protocol sections. In addition; the CLI version provides the option for a user to specify an additional unique string to enable automation and parallel processing.
Be sure all sample names in the metadata and in the ASV/OTU table are matching an are only alphanumeric titles.
Running MrDNA example data: (using files from
) (rarefaction depth and iterations randomly chosen)OR
python -type MrDNA -metadata examples/mrdna_F15/mrdna_F15_mock_metadata.tsv \ -otutable examples/mrdna_F15/112415KR515F-pr.fasta.otus.fa.OTU.txt \ -seqs examples/mrdna_F15/sequences.fasta -rarefactioniter 4 -rarefactiondepth 2000 -msa_phylo False
Running Anacapa Data: (using files in
) (rarefaction depth and iterations randomly chosen)OR
python -otutable examples/anacapa_skirball_S18/16S_ASV_raw_taxonomy_70.tsv \ -fwdseq examples/anacapa_skirball_S18/nochim_forward16S.fasta \ -mergeseq examples/anacapa_skirball_S18/nochim_merged16S.fasta \ -reverseseq examples/anacapa_skirball_S18/nochim_reverse16S.fasta \ -rarefactioniter 0 -rarefactiondepth 0 -metadata examples/anacapa_skirball_S18/anacapa_skirball_metadata_3_11_18.tsv \ -type anacapa -unique_id demo -msa_phylo False
Running QIIME2 data: (rarefaction depth and iterations randomly chosen)
python -type QIIME2 -metadata examples/qiime2_demo/qiime2_moving_pictures_metadata.tsv \ -otutable examples/qiime2_demo/table_moving_pictures.qza \ -taxonomy examples/qiime2_demo/taxonomy_moving_pictures.qza \ -seqs examples/qiime2_demo/rep-seqs.qza \ -rarefactioniter 4 -rarefactiondepth 2000 -msa_phylo False
- QIIME2 Output view for example files:
Running the Functional Profile following input of file sets to piphillin (
python \ -i examples/piphillin/Keith_20180723210057.tar,examples/piphillin/Keith_20180723214258.tar \ -o UCLA -metadata examples/anacapa_skirball_metadata_S18/anacapa_skirball_metadata_3_11_18.tsv
- Automated Rarefaction Depth Option
- Capability to select output files (rather then produce all mentioned)
- Include more tools such as the iTOL tool and any other requested (please create Issue if you have one in mind)
- Include more file input types from other sequencing services (please create Issue if you have one in mind)
- Fix the anacapa input functions.
- Add picrust 2.0
- Add merge files option that includes the metadata.
- upload standard otu and seqs
- add rarefaction_depth/iter_ to the file names
- double check that no rarefaction option still works
- fix background process
- finish piphillin view and logging