Utilitary methods for Pryv data manipulation in Node.js
add the following line to your package.json dependencies:
"pryv-utils":"git+ssh://[email protected]:kebetsi/pryv-js-utils.git"
Then in your code, use:
var pyUtils = require('pryv-utils');
Copies one stream's events from one Pryv account to another. If no target stream is provided, copies the source stream as well.
- sourceConnection {pryv.Connection}
- targetConnection {pryv.Connection}
- sourceStream {Stream-like} requires only id
- targetStream {Stream-like} requires only id
- getEventsFilter {Object} (optional) filter for fetching the events according to http://api.pryv.com/reference/#get-events, default: {limit:10000}
- filtering {Number} (optional) allows to get only 1 event for every n (eg.: if filtering=5, only each 5th event will be copied)
- isStrict {Boolean} if set, ignores substreams and subevents
var pryv = require('pryv'),
pyUtils = require('pryv-utils';
var sourceConnection = new pryv.Connection({
username: 'jeremy',
auth: '123tokenabc',
domain: 'pryv.me'
targetConnection = new pryv.Connection({
username: 'bob',
auth: 'myvalidToken12nin3',
domain: 'pryv.me'
var srcStream = {
id: 'test',
name: 'Test'
}, tgtStream = {
id: 'copy-data',
name: 'Dest'
var params = {
sourceConnection: sourceConnection,
targetConnection: targetConnection,
sourceStream: srcStream,
targetStream: tgtStream,
getEventsFilter: {
limit: 1000
filtering: 10
pyUtils.copyData(params, function (err, res) {
if (err) {
return console.log(err);
res.forEach(function (r) {
Creates an array of batch method calls for Events creation. This is used for events of numerical type.
The params object has the following fields:
- data: array of the following:
- value: mean value
- variance: delta these two fields define the range in which the events' content will be created: [value-variance; value+variance]
- type: the type of the events
- streamId: the stream to which the events shall be added
- endTime: the timestamp of the last event
- numDays: the number of times each event type will be created
- frequency: the rate at which events are created. Ex.: if 2, every 2 days, if 3 every 3 days, etc
Each of these events will be created numDays times, once per day at the same time as endTime.
e.g.:- endTime: 1469712094 (July 28th 2016, 13:21:34 UTC)
- numDays: 10
This will create 10 events from July 19th to 28th at 13:21:34 UTC
var params = {
endTime: 1469699555,
numDays: 2,
data: [
value: 120,
variance: 20,
type: 'pressure/mmhg',
streamId: 'High-pressure-1234'
value: 80,
variance: 20,
type: 'pressure/mmhg',
streamId: 'Low-pressure-1234'
value: 70,
variance: 20,
type: 'frequency/bpm',
streamId: 'Heart-rate-1234'
value: 2000,
variance: 200,
type: 'energy/cal',
streamId: 'Total-calories-1234'
value: 5000,
variance: 2000,
type: 'count/steps',
streamId: 'Aerobics-1234'
value: 5.25,
variance: 0.8,
type: 'density/mmol-l',
streamId: 'Glycemia-1234'
var createEvents = pyUtils.createNumericEvents(params);
Returns the stream Ids of the array of streams names provided in parameter.
var connection = new pryv.Connection({
username: 'bob',
auth: '123token123',
domain: 'pryv.me'
pyUtils.findStreamIds(connection, ['Blood pressure', 'Health', 'Glycemia'], function (err, res) {
npm install
to download the dependencies
npm test
runs the test suite
MIT license