This project executes the following:
- Sets up a complete blue deployment with infrastructure including:
- Static website deployed in an S3 bucket
- Cloudfront pointing to the static website
- Creates a green deployment with the following infrastructure:
- S3 website frontend
- EC2 backend with NodeJS
- Postgres Database
- Integration tests with:
- Slack integration
- Frontend and backend smoke testing
- Sets up centralised structured logging and diagnosis with:
- Prometheus for monitoring
- Gmail for automated notifications
Blue-green deployment happens after all tests are complete
Fork this repository and clone into your local device
Connect the repo to your CircleCI account
Create environment variables in CircleCI for
- AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Your AWS access key ID
- AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: Your default AWS region
- AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Your AWS secret key
Gmail (create an application password at
- AuthEmail: Authentication email
- EmailPassword: app password
- FromEmail: Email to send Prometheus notifications from
- ToEmail: The email to receive the notifications
Slack (create a slack app and fill in the following required items to auto-notify your channel on failure)
A sample file is in ./backend/development.env. The only parameter you need to change here is TYPEORM_PASSWORD
Watch the resources get created
I have added an approve step, so that you can test the deployed application before destroying the environment
- Circle CI - Cloud-based CI/CD service
- Amazon AWS - Cloud services
- AWS CLI - Command-line tool for AWS
- CloudFormation - Infrastructure as code
- Ansible - Configuration management tool
- Prometheus - Monitoring tool
- Gmail - Monitoring notifications
- Slack - build notifications