Helpy is a modern help desk platform written in Ruby on Rails and released under the MIT license. The goal of Helpy is to power your support email and ticketing, integrate seamlessly with your app, and run an amazing customer helpcenter.
edit run configuration 2.5.1 (not global)
Ruby SDK and Gem set default bundler 1.17.3
gem uninstall bundler --version ' 2.0.1'
gem install bundler --version '1.17.3'
can not resolve dependencies......
instead get gemfile and gemfile.lock from current helpy project?
- bundle install - DONE
Unpack the Helpy assets and setup your database:
RAILS_ENV=development rake assets:precompile
RAILS_ENV=development rake db:setup
then run the onboarding in the browser
Configure inbound and outbound email! => skip for now (mandrill is an option)
get started! button appears.
local -> htest-rose github -> server
files are located in the theme folder
important to keep pointing on the correct theme and add files as needed modified km - compiling with ruby mine tool file watcher
Copyright 2021 Mokanova inc. Helpy Core is released under the MIT open source license.