- Managing Asterisk realtime SIP peers, stored in MySQL;
- Provisioning Cisco/Linksys IP phones: Cisco SPA504g etc;
- Provisioning Linphone softphones (experimental).
Setup Asterisk to store realtime SIP peers in MySQL DB TODO
Create MySQL database and apply scheme TODO
Grant MySQL access mysqladmin ...
Grant AMI access Usually in /etc/asterisk/manager.conf
secret = AMIPASS
deny =
permit =
read = all,system,call,agent
write = all
- Install Smarty library
wget -O Smarty-stable.tar.gz http://www.smarty.net/files/Smarty-stable.tar.gz
tar xf Smarty-stable.tar.gz
mv Smarty-*/libs .
rm -r Smarty-*
- Correct file owners and permissions
chown -R www-data .
chmod 240 logs/auth.log
Customize configs/app.conf
Customize these files if needed: static/favicon.ico templates/email.tpl .htaccess locations.php