Social Auth service for TYPO3 with Hybrid Auth API (Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn)
- Install the extension using the Extension Manager
- Register new app on Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn or Instagram and follow the instructions. Some examples are detailed on Hybrid auth user guide []
- Configure via Extension Manager and add key + appId for each social provider & set options for fe_users creation (users pid and default usergroup id are required !)
- Storage User Pid should be different from classic fe_users PID to prevent unique username
- New for 8.7 instance, set file storage uid and path for fe_users.image (FAL is used now for image field)
- Add excluded fields on update after each login. By default all fields (name,first_name,last_name,telephone,address,city,zip,country) are overwritten.
- Add the static TS (typoscript) to your typoscript template
Two ways exist to integrate social auth on FE
- Add Social auth plugin on your page. It create a link for each enabled providers
- Create links on your fluid template like this (add namespace viewhelper at first):
{namespace socialauth=MV\SocialAuth\ViewHelpers}
< pageType="1316773681" additionalParams="{tx_socialauth_pi1:{provider:'facebook',redirect:'{socialauth:currentUri()}'}}" noCacheHash="TRUE">Facebook</>
You can change redirect URL with a custom page (like profil page) using {} viewhelper instead of {socialauth:currentUri()}
Bootstrap social css is used by default on every views. You can disable it via Constant editor
If felogin is used, you can add marker ###SOCIAL_AUTH### to your custom felogin template. Typoscript for Felogin is loaded on main TS
To custom render of generated links. Modify Typoscript like this :
socialauth.wrap = <ul>|</ul>
facebook = TEXT
#Custom class or title
#ATagParams =
wrap = <li>|</li>
stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:facebook.label}
twitter < .facebook
stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:twitter.label}
google < .facebook
stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:google.label}
3 slots are available to extend service authentification
- beforeCreateOrUpdateUser
- getUser
- authUser
###Example of slot integration (This example add birthdate and extbase_type to general fields with beforeCreateOrUpdateUser signal)
if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('social_auth')) {
$signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\SignalSlot\\Dispatcher');
namespace Vendor\ExtensionKey\Slots;
class UserAuthentificationSlot {
* @param $hybridUser string
* @param $fields array
* @param \MV\SocialAuth\Service\SocialAuthenticationService $pObj
public function beforeCreateOrUpdateUser($hybridUser, &$fields = array(), \MV\SocialAuth\Service\SocialAuthenticationService $pObj) {
$fields['tx_extbase_type'] = 'Tx_YourExtension_User';
if($hybridUser->birthDay && $hybridUser->birthMonth && $hybridUser->birthYear){
$fields['birthdate'] = mktime(NULL, NULL, NULL, (int) $hybridUser->birthMonth, (int) $hybridUser->birthDay, (int) $hybridUser->birthYear);
If we have an error like "Could not scan for classes", just uninstall extension and clear cache before upgrade it.
Don't forget to activate Google+ API on [Google developer console] and fill the field Authorized redirect uri with http://yourdomain/?type=1316773682&hauth.done=Google
If you use Strict mode on your Facbook app, fill the field Valid Oauth redirect URIS with http://yourdomain/?type=1316773682&hauth_done=Facebook
##Facebook scope
By default social_auth use email scope but you can add more scopes detailled here :