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Social Auth service for TYPO3 with Hybrid Auth API

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Social Auth service for TYPO3 with Hybrid Auth API (Facebook, Twitter, Google + & LinkedIn)

Installation instructions

  • Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  • Register new app on Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn or Instagram and follow the instructions. Some examples are detailed on Hybrid auth user guide []
  • Configure via Extension Manager and add key + appId for each social provider & set options for fe_users creation (users pid and default usergroup id are required !)
  • Storage User Pid should be different from classic fe_users PID to prevent unique username
  • New for 8.7 instance, set file storage uid and path for fe_users.image (FAL is used now for image field)
  • Add excluded fields on update after each login. By default all fields (name,first_name,last_name,telephone,address,city,zip,country) are overwritten.
  • Add the static TS (typoscript) to your typoscript template

Frontend plugin integration

Two ways exist to integrate social auth on FE

  • Add Social auth plugin on your page. It create a link for each enabled providers
  • Create links on your fluid template like this (add namespace viewhelper at first):

{namespace socialauth=MV\SocialAuth\ViewHelpers}

< pageType="1316773681" additionalParams="{tx_socialauth_pi1:{provider:'facebook',redirect:'{socialauth:currentUri()}'}}" noCacheHash="TRUE">Facebook</>

You can change redirect URL with a custom page (like profil page) using {} viewhelper instead of {socialauth:currentUri()}

Bootstrap Social CSS

Bootstrap social css is used by default on every views. You can disable it via Constant editor

Integration with Felogin

If felogin is used, you can add marker ###SOCIAL_AUTH### to your custom felogin template. Typoscript for Felogin is loaded on main TS

To custom render of generated links. Modify Typoscript like this :

    socialauth.wrap = <ul>|</ul>
        facebook = TEXT
                #Custom class or title
                #ATagParams =
            wrap = <li>|</li>
            stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:facebook.label}
        twitter < .facebook
            stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:twitter.label}
        google < .facebook
            stdWrap.dataWrap = {LLL:EXT:social_auth/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:google.label}

Signal Slots for developer

3 slots are available to extend service authentification

  • beforeCreateOrUpdateUser
  • getUser
  • authUser

###Example of slot integration (This example add birthdate and extbase_type to general fields with beforeCreateOrUpdateUser signal)


if (\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::isLoaded('social_auth')) {
    $signalSlotDispatcher = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance('TYPO3\\CMS\\Extbase\\SignalSlot\\Dispatcher');


namespace Vendor\ExtensionKey\Slots;
class UserAuthentificationSlot {
     * @param $hybridUser string
     * @param $fields array
     * @param \MV\SocialAuth\Service\SocialAuthenticationService $pObj
    public function beforeCreateOrUpdateUser($hybridUser, &$fields = array(), \MV\SocialAuth\Service\SocialAuthenticationService $pObj) {
        $fields['tx_extbase_type'] = 'Tx_YourExtension_User';
        if($hybridUser->birthDay && $hybridUser->birthMonth && $hybridUser->birthYear){
            $fields['birthdate'] = mktime(NULL, NULL, NULL, (int) $hybridUser->birthMonth, (int) $hybridUser->birthDay, (int) $hybridUser->birthYear);

Troubles after upgrade with 1.1.0 version

If we have an error like "Could not scan for classes", just uninstall extension and clear cache before upgrade it.

Google + configuration

Don't forget to activate Google+ API on [Google developer console] and fill the field Authorized redirect uri with http://yourdomain/?type=1316773682&hauth.done=Google

Facebook strict mode

If you use Strict mode on your Facbook app, fill the field Valid Oauth redirect URIS with http://yourdomain/?type=1316773682&hauth_done=Facebook

##Facebook scope

By default social_auth use email scope but you can add more scopes detailled here :