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Python package for biomedical signal analysis along with a Qt interface for easy use.


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The goal of this project is the creation of a free, open and well documented multichannel digital signal analysis library sigman that is easily extendable by external procedures, as well as a GUI application QtSigman to go along with it.





git clone ""
sudo apt install python3-pip
pip3 install PyQt5 numpy scipy matplotlib


To run tests use pytest. After it is installed simply run:






Below examples assume importing sigman as sm, sigman.file_manager as fm and sigman.visualizer as vis.


The most basic type of data in the sigman library is a signal waveform sigman.Wave. Its most important attributes are a list of values and length in seconds Wave.complete_length. From these sample rate Wave.sample_rate as well as sample length Wave.sample_length are calculated. Type of the signal Wave.type (e.g. ecg or bp) will also be useful for further analysis.

sigman.Wave example containing 100 values of the sine function from 0 to 4pi with a frequency of 10 Hz.

import sigman as sm
import numpy as np
sine = np.sin(np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, num=100))
sine_wave = sm.Wave(sine, 10, 'sine')

sigman.Wave objects may be imported from files with the function file_manager.import_wave.

from sigman import file_manager as fm
ecg = fm.import_wave('example_data/EKG.dat', 'ecg')

In the event of a signal being offset with respect to others the variable Wave.offset allows the user to move the waveform in time.

The most basic method of retrieving data from sigman.Wave is Wave.data_slice which returns a numpy array of values from a given time range. Further documentation in sigman/ Examples:

>>> ecg.data_slice(5, 5.025) # 25 milisecond waveform slice
array([ 0.10659864,  0.10404629,  0.1673287 ,  0.1688633 ,  0.04704312])
>>> ecg.data_slice(5, 8, value_every=1) # 3 second waveform slice with values separated by 1 second each
array([ 0.10659864, -0.52108215,  0.95624742])
>>> ecg.data_slice(5, 25, value_count=5) # a slice of 5 values in a range of 20 seconds
array([ 0.10659864,  0.35472794, -0.61547362, -0.75704451, -0.59674523])


Points that describe events in time with a given value, like blood pressure peaks sbp on a bp signal, are described by the sigman.Points class. It contains two lists Points.data_x and Points.data_y sorted with respect to data_x, as well as the type of points like sbp or r.

Example initialization of sigman.Points.

import sigman as sm
data_x = [1, 4, 7]
data_y = [3, -2, 4]
points = sm.Points(data_x, data_y, 'example')

sigman.Points may be imported from files

from sigman import file_manager as fm
r = fm.import_points('example_data/R.dat', 'r')

or found using procedures, which will be described later on.

There is a Points.data_slice method similar to sigman.Wave.

>>> r.data_slice(20,23)
(array([ 20.61868,  21.49193,  22.3552 ]), array([ 4.07120371,  3.76066208,  3.69650602]))


A class containing values of a parameter, like heart rate, calculated in a set of time ranges. It contains a list of values Parameter.values as well as information as to when each time range starts Parameter.begin_times and ends Parameter.end_times. sigman.Parameter may only be initialized using procedures.


A class containing multiple data objects described above. It may contain any number of sigman.Wave, sigman.Points and sigman.Parameter objects in its three dict attributes. It hence allows to easily use procedures which require multiple data channels, like a procedure calculating dicrotic notch location based on sbp points as well as bp and ecg waveforms. These three dict are:

  • Composite_data.waves
  • Composite_data.points
  • Composite_data.parameters

Data objects may be added when initializing or afterwards.

import sigman as sm
from sigman import file_manager as fm

ecg = fm.import_wave('example_data/EKG.dat', 'ecg')
composite_data = sm.Composite_data(waves={'ecg':ecg}) # when initializing

bp = fm.import_wave('example_data/BP.dat', 'bp')
composite_data.add_wave(bp, 'bp') # afterwards
r = fm.import_points('example_data/R.dat', 'r')
composite_data.add_points(r, 'r')

sigman.file_manager contains functions to save sigman.Composite_data objects for later.

fm.save_composite_data('temporary_save.pickle', composite_data)

as well as

composite_data = fm.load_composite_data('temporary_save.pickle')

Please note that the above functions use pickle and hence are not safe when loading files of unknown origin.


The sigman library contains a module visualizer allowing for quick yet fairly limited visualization of sigman.Composite_data. Having created composite_data using steps from above it may be visualized:

from sigman import visualizer as vis

visualizer also allows to visualize a chosen time range or specifically selected data from sigman.Composite_data.

vis.visualize_composite_data(composite_data, begin_time=40, end_time=60, 
                             wanted_waves=['ecg'], title="ECG plot") 


The analyzer module allows for the use of external procedures from the procedures folder. The exact structure of procedures is described in detail in sigman/

Procedures may be used by first importing them with analyzer.import_procedure, modifying chosen arguments from procedure.default_arguments, applying them with an appropriate function from sigman.analyzer and replacing the data in sigman.Composite_data with the outputs.

Filtering/modifying waveforms

Filtering or modifying waveforms may be accompllished by importing a procedure of the modify type and applying it using analyzer.modify_wave. The function takes as an argument sigman.Wave to modify, the beginning and the end of the time range on which the procedure is to be performed, the imported procedure module as well as a dict of arguments based on procedure.default_arguments. It returns a new sigman.Wave with the length of the specified time range which we can use to replace the same time range slice from the old sigman.Wave using Wave.replace_slice

Filtering example:

import sigman as sm
from sigman import file_manager as fm
from sigman import analyzer
from sigman import visualizer as vis

ecg = fm.import_wave('example_data/EKG.dat', 'ecg')
composite_data = sm.Composite_data(waves={'ecg':ecg})

butterworth = analyzer.import_procedure('modify_filter_butterworth')
arguments = butterworth.default_arguments
arguments['N'] = 3
arguments['Wn'] = 30
filtered_wave = analyzer.modify_wave(composite_data.waves['ecg'], 55, 60, butterworth, arguments)
composite_data.waves['ecg'].replace_slice(55,60, filtered_wave)

vis.visualize_composite_data(composite_data, begin_time=55, end_time=65, 
    title="Comparison of filtered <55s, 60s> and unfiltered <60s, 65s> ranges")
Finding points

Points may be found using procedures of the points type and applying it with analyzer.find_points. The function takes as arguments two dict objects contianing sigman.Wave and sigman.Points where the keys are the same as procedure.required_waves and .required_points, the beginning and end of the specified time range, the procedure module as well as arguments based on procedure.default_arguments like above. It returns a sigman.Points which we can add to the rest of the data using Composite_data.add_points or to a different set of points using Points.add_points.

Example of finding DBP points on the entire BP signal:

import sigman as sm
from sigman import file_manager as fm
from sigman import analyzer
from sigman import visualizer as vis

bp = fm.import_wave('example_data/BP.dat', 'bp')
composite_data = sm.Composite_data(waves={'bp':bp})

dbp_finder = analyzer.import_procedure('points_dbp_simple')
# we have to calculate the maximum time range (i.e. containing the entirety of bp)
begin_time, end_time = composite_data.calculate_time_range(['bp'])
waves = {'bp':composite_data.waves['bp']}
dbp = analyzer.find_points(waves, None, begin_time, end_time, dbp_finder, dbp_finder.default_arguments)
composite_data.add_points(dbp, 'dbp')

Calculating parameters

Parameters may be calculated by importing a procedure of type parameter and applying it using analyzer.calculate_parameter. The function takes as an argument two dicts, one for waveforms and one for points like above, a list of tuples containing the beginnings and ends of time ranges on which we wish to calculate our parameter, the procedure module and additional arguments based on procedure.default_arguments.

Example calculating the heart rate on ranges <0s, 15s>, <15s, 60s> and <60s, 120s> based on the ECG signal.

import sigman as sm
from sigman import file_manager as fm
from sigman import analyzer
from sigman import visualizer as vis

ecg = fm.import_wave('example_data/EKG.dat', 'ecg')
composite_data = sm.Composite_data(waves={'ecg':ecg})

# we must first find the r points
r_finder = analyzer.import_procedure('points_r_simple')
begin_time, end_time = composite_data.calculate_time_range(['ecg'])
waves = {'ecg':composite_data.waves['ecg']}
r = analyzer.find_points(waves, None, begin_time, end_time, r_finder, r_finder.default_arguments)
composite_data.add_points(r, 'r')

# heart rate calculation
hr_proc = analyzer.import_procedure('parameter_heart_rate')
param_tuples = [(0,15),(15,60),(60,120)]
points = {'r':composite_data.points['r']}
hr = analyzer.calculate_parameter(None, points, param_tuples, hr_proc, hr_proc.default_arguments)
composite_data.add_parameter(hr, 'hr')


Examples of various sigman functions may be found in the file tests/


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Python package for biomedical signal analysis along with a Qt interface for easy use.







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