bin/amq6 : scripts to build and deploy an active-active-active AMQ6 broker mesh based on a custom image, with the following characteristics :
- Postgresql JDBC driver on board
- Prometheus Node Exporter for Broker JMX metrics
- Broker configuration mounted as a secrets volume
bin/fuse : scripts to build and deploy two toy Fuse Spring-boot microservices that produce and consume messages to and from the AMQ6 mesh
bin/fuse-console : Fuse Console deployment and configuration
fuse/consumer-app : source code for a Fuse route for AMQ message consumption, deployed with Spring-boot
fuse/producer-app : source code for a Fuse route for AMQ message production, deployed with Spring-boot
templates : assorted Openshift templates reference by scripts in the bin directories
prometheus : Prometheus deployment and configuration
grafana : Grafana deployment and configuration
https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_a-mq/6.3/html/using_networks_of_brokers/index https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_jboss_a-mq/6.3/html/managing_and_monitoring_a_broker/mq-topol#MQ-Topol-BrokerNetworks
https://github.com/lbroudoux/openshift-cases https://github.com/yohanesws/amq63-mariadb-ocp
- remote shell onto postgresql pod
- psql amq postgres
- CREATE DATABASE amq_1 with OWNER amq;
- CREATE DATABASE amq_2 with OWNER amq;
- CREATE DATABASE amq_3 with OWNER amq;