.NET 5.0 Monolith WebAPI built with Clean Architecture and every other essentials you would ever need in an Enterprise Grade API. This will be the API for all the other Client Applications of fullstackhero.
- WebAPI Boilerplate - Initial Release : June 1st Week,2021
- Angular Material Boilerplate (client) - Initial Release : July 1st week,2021
- Blazor Material Boilerplate (client) - Initial Release : July 15,2021
- Onion Architecture
- EFCore - Code First Approach
- CQRS with MediatR (for implementation-sample branch)
- MediatR Pipeline Behaviour
- Generic Repository with UOW
- Specification Pattern
- Cached Repository with Cache Keys (for implementation-sample branch)
- Swagger
- Serilog
- Email Service - SMTP / SendGrid
- User Management - Registration / Change Password / Forgot Password / Update Profile
- Authentication - JWT Generation & Refresh Tokens
- Respose Wrapper - For Uniform Response
- Global Exception Handling Middleware
- Clean Startup Classes & Service Registrations
- Healthchecks
- Pagination (manage to include with Specification Pattern)
- Distributed Caching - Cached Repository Implementation (for implementation-sample branch)
- Role Based Authorization
- Role Management
- Identity & Database Seeding
- Token & Refresh Token Generation
- API Versioning
- Fluent Validations
- EF Fluent Configurations over Model Builder
- Automapper
- Audit Trails
- Install the Latest EF Tools -
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
- If already installed, make sure your DOTNET CLI EF TOOLS are updated. Use this command -
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
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