Geeky command-line interface with additional scrum, planning poker, and changelog generation features
pip install pivotal_tools
Add PIVOTAL_TOKEN to your environment
I put mine in ~/.zshenv, like so ...
export PIVOTAL_TOKEN='your token'
Also make sure in your pivotal project settings that you have "Allow API Access" checked (which is currently the default behavior)
A collection of tools to help with your pivotal workflow
If you see error like InsecurePlatformWarning: A true SSLContext object is not available
, run
sudo pip install requests[security]
might fix it.
List out projects stories that are delivered or finished (not accepted)
Lists all stories for a given project (will prompt you if not specified)
Can filter by user with the for
By default show the top 20 stories, can specify more (or less) with the number option
Show the details for a given story. passing the project-index parameter will make it faster
Will open the given story in a browser. passing the project-index parameter will make it faster
Will list stories and bugs that team members are working on. Grouped by team member
Help to facilitate a planning poker session
Create a story
pivotal_tools create (feature|bug|chore) <title> [<description>] [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools (start|finish|deliver|accept|reject) story <story_id> [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools show stories [--project-index=<pi>] [--for=<user_name>] [--number=<number_of_stories>]
pivotal_tools show story <story_id> [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools open <story_id> [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools changelog [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools scrum [--project-index=<pi>]
pivotal_tools (planning|poker) [--project-index=<pi>]
-h --help Show this screen.
--for=<user_name> Username, or initials
--project-index=<pi> If you have multiple projects, this is the index that the project shows up in my prompt
This is useful if you do not want to be prompted, and then you can pipe the output