A color theme for Beamer using the Solarized palette, and inspired by the css stylesheet of ethanshoover.com.
See the Solarized homepage and its github page more information about the color palette and themes for Vim, Emacs, etc.
If you use R, I have also written a ggplot plot theme using the Solarized colors, which is available https://github.com/jrnold/ggthemes.
Download the theme from https://github.com/jrnold/beamercolorthemesolarized and place it in either the same folder as your presentation .tex file or in the LaTeX installation tree.
To load the color theme, add the following line to your document,
The following <options> may be given when loading the theme,
Use the light theme (default).dark
Use the dark theme.accent=
<color> The accent color. <color> can be any of the non-base Solarized colors:yellow
, orgreen
For example, to use a dark theme with a cyan accent,
In addition to the beamer colors that it sets, this package defines
colors which can be used elsewhere, e.g. in \setbeamercolor
The package defines the sixteen colors of the Solarized palette.
solarizedBase03 #002b36 solarizedBase02 #073642 solarizedBase01 #586e75 solarizedBase00 #657b83 solarizedBase0 #839496 solarizedBase1 #93a1a1 solarizedBase2 #eee8d5 solarizedBase3 #fdf6e3 solarizedYellow #b58900 solarizedOrange #cb4b16 solarizedRed #dc322f solarizedMagenta #d33682 solarizedViolet #6c71c4 solarizedBlue #268bd2 solarizedCyan #2aa198 solarizedGreen #859900
Additionally, it defines these colors, the values of which are dependent on the options specified when the theme is loaded.
Accent color.solarizedRebase03
: Background colors; dark colors if the dark theme is used, light colors if light theme.solarizedRebase0
: Foreground colors; light colors if the dark theme is used, dark colors if light theme.
Some example slides (using the example slides from the Beamer documentation).
A light background with yellow accents (the default).
A light background with blue accents.
A dark background with yellow accents.