NOTE: To take advantage of Tx/Rx capabilities you should have an Tx/R x LoRa iGate (near you) like:
- NOW WE HAVE A MENU (just pushing the central button IO38)
- Saving, Reading and Deleting Messages.
- Asking Weather Report
- Listening to other Trackers arround.
- Changing Display Eco Mode (turn off after 4 seg).
- Processor from 240Mhz to 80MHz to save almost 20% power consumption (from ~ 100mA to almost ~80mA) (Thanks Mane76).
- All GPS beacons/packet are encoded for less time on RF/LoRa Tx.
- 4th line of the OLED SCREEN shows Altitude+Speed+Course or Number of New Messages Received.
- 5th line of the OLED SCREEN shows Recent Heard Trackers/Station/iGates Tx.
- (1). Change Callsign, Symbol and Comment on /data/tracker_config.json
- (2). Upload this changes via Platformio --> Upload Filesystem Image (to your TTGO Board)
- (3). Build and Upload the Firmware with Platformio in VSCODE
on the Tracker Screen/Menu 0:
- 1 short press/push = Forced GPS Beacon Tx
- 1 long press/push = Change between three Callsigns saved on "/data/tracker.json".
- 2 short press/pushes = Menu 1 (where you cand read Messages)
on the Menu 1:
- 1 short press/push = Read Received Messages saved on internal Memory.
- 1 long press/push = Delete all Messages from internal Memory.
- 2 short press/pushes = Menu 2 (where you cand ask for Weather Report and more).
on the Menu 2:
- 1 short press/push = Ask for Weather Report (WX report will arrive in seconds).
- 1 long press/push = Listen to other Trackers and show distance and course to them.
- 2 short press/pushes = Menu 3 (where you cand change Display Eco Mode and more).
on the Menu 3:
- 1 short press/push = NOTHING YET... (any ideas?).
- 1 long press/push = Change Display Eco Mode (Turn off after 4 seg).
- 2 short press/pushes = Menu 0 (back to the Tracker Screen).
Timeline (Versions):
- 2023.04.16 Sending and Receiving LoRa Packets.
- 2023.05.12 Saving Messages to Internal Memory.
- 2023.05.14 Adding Menu.
- 2023.05.21 Adding Last-Heard LoRa Stations/Trackers
- 2023.05.27 Adding Altitude + Speed or Course + Speed in the encoded GPS info.
- 2023.05.29 New Config file for adding more new ideas to the Tracker.
- 2023.06.01 Adding Turn Slope calculations for Smart Beacon and Display Eco Mode.
- 2023.06.20 Major Code Repacking.
- 2023.06.23 Return to from any Menu number to Main Menu (Tracker) after 30 segs.
- 2023.06.24 displayEcoMode=true doesn't turn the screen off at boot.
- 2023.06.25 Sends comment after X count of beacons.
- 2023.06.26 Weather Report now stays until button pressed, to avoid missing it.
- 2023.07.01 Added Support for new T-Beam AXP2101 v1.2 Board.
- 2023.07.16 New Icons for Oled Screen (Runner, Car, Jeep)
- 2023.07.18 Add Support for triggering PTT to external amplifier.
- 2023.07.24 New Validation for Callsings, Overlay change and New Icons (Bike, Motorcycle).
This code was based on the work by OE5BPA LoRa Tracker, Serge Y. Stroobandt, ON4AA in the byte-saving part of the APRS 434 firmware and Manfred DC2MH (Mane76) with the mods for multiple Callsigns and processor speed.