VideoCore is a project inteded to be an audio and video manipulation and streaming graph. It currently works with iOS and periodic (live) sources. It is a work in progress and will eventually expand to other platforms such as OS X and Android. Contributors welcome!
###Table of Contents
Create a Podfile
with the contents
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'VideoCore/Swift', :git => 'https://github.com/jrahaim/VideoCore.git'
Next, run pod install
and open the xcworkspace
file that is created.
####Sample Application The SampleBroadcaster project in the sample folder uses CocoaPods to bring in VideoCore as a dependency:
cd sample/SampleBroadcaster
pod install
open SampleBroadcaster.xcworkspace
... or you can build from the command-line:
xcodebuild -workspace SampleBroadcaster.xcworkspace -scheme SampleBroadcaster build
More on CocoaPods: http://cocoapods.org/
##Architecture Overview
VideoCore's architecture is inspired by Microsoft Media Foundation (except with saner naming). Samples start at the source, are passed through a series of transforms, and end up at the output.
e.g. Source (Camera) -> Transform (Composite) -> Transform (H.264 Encode) -> Transform (RTMP Packetize) -> Output (RTMP)
videocore::IAudioSource : videocore::ISource
videocore::IVideoSource : videocore::ISource
videocore::Watermark : videocore:IVideoSource
videocore::iOS::CameraSource : videocore::IVideoSource
videocore::Apple::MicrophoneSource : videocore::IAudioSource
videocore::OSX::DisplaySource : videocore::IVideoSource
videocore::OSX::SystemAudioSource : videocore::IAudioSource
videocore::ITransform : videocore::IOutput
videocore::iOS::H264Transform : videocore::ITransform
videocore::iOS::AACTransform : videocore::ITransform
videocore::OSX::H264Transform : videocore::ITransform
videocore::OSX::AACTransform : videocore::ITransform
videocore::rtmp::H264Packetizer : videocore::ITransform
videocore::rtmp::AACPacketizer : videocore::ITransform
videocore::IAudioMixer : videocore::IMixer
videocore::IVideoMixer : videocore::IMixer
videocore::AudioMixer : videocore::IAudioMixer
videocore::iOS::GLESVideoMixer : videocore::IVideoMixer
videocore::OSX::GLVideoMixer : videocore::IVideoMixer
videocore::RTMPSession : videocore::IOutput
videocore::Apple::StreamSession : videocore::IStreamSession
##Version History
- 0.3.1
- Various bugfixes
- Introduction of pixel buffer sources so you can add images to broadcast.
- 0.3.0
- Improvements to audio/video timestamps and synchronization
- Adds an incompatible API call with previous versions. Custom
- graphs must now call IMixer::start() to begin mixing.
- 0.2.3
- Add support for image filters
- 0.2.2
- Fix video streaking bug when adaptative bitrate is enabled
- Increase the aggressiveness of the adaptative bitrate algorithm
- Add internal pixel buffer format
- 0.2.0
- Removes deprecated functions
- Adds Main Profile video
- Improves adaptive bitrate algorithm
- 0.1.12
- Bugfixes
- Red5 support
- Improved Adaptive Bitrate algorithm
- 0.1.10
- Bugfixes
- Adaptive Bitrate introduced
- 0.1.9
- Bugfixes, memory leak fixes
- Introduces the ability to choose whether to use interface orientation or device orientation for Camera orientation.
- 0.1.8
- Introduces VideoToolbox encoding for iOS 8+ and OS X 10.9+
- Adds -lc++ for compatibility with Xcode 6
- 0.1.7
- Add a simplified iOS API for the common case of streaming camera/microphone
- Deprecate camera aspect ratio and position
- Add a matrix transform for Position
- Add a matrix transform for Aspect Ratio
- Bugfixes
- 0.1.6
- Use device orientation for CameraSource rather than interface orientation
- 0.1.5
- Add aspect fill to CameraSource
- 0.1.4
- Switch from LGPL 2.1 to MIT licensing.
- Add Camera preview layer.
- Add front/back camera toggle.
- Fix aspect ratio bug in Camera source.
- 0.1.3
- Update sample app with a more efficient viewport render
- 0.1.2
- Fixes a serious bug in the GenericAudioMixer that was causing 100% cpu usage and audio lag.
- 0.1.1
- Fixes Cocoapods namespace conflicts for UriParser-cpp
- 0.1.0
- Initial CocoaPods version