Terminal that is using in ubuntu
To get the out put in the syntax of ubuntu
Edit this code accoding to your needs
<div class="terminal">
<p class="command-line">student@sjcet-Veriton-S2690G:</p><p class="file-name"> ~/23AD002$</p>
<p class="input"> gcc Hello World!.c</p><br>
<p class="output">student@ubuntu:<p class="file-name">~/23AD002$</p><p class="input"> ./Hello World!.c</p><br>
<p class="output"></p>Hello World! <br>
<p class="command-line">student@sjcet-Veriton-S2690G:</p>
Change the id accoding to Your needs
student@sjcet-Veriton-S2690G change this college id to your college id
Use this online complier(if ypu don't have any compiler)