Independent Software Artist
Back-end middle+ developer, team leader, scrum master, open-source enthusiast. Also an experienced system administrator, database designer, non-certified DBA. Less skilled at software architecture, distributed calculations, cloud deployment. By necessity engaged into front-end legacy code support and continuous integration automation. Occasional open-source community project contributor. Wannabe writer.
- Main git repository is available at self hosted Phabricator (requires registration)
- NotDotNet developer community startup
- Distributed team software development Labor Exchange web-site
- Small pet projects partially available at GitHub
- NDA protected mid scale enterprise products
- Neural network linguistics applications
- Self learning AI models
- General automation algorithms
To HR people that might be interested in more dark details of persons past that others prefer not to be aware of.
Beleive it or not you've found just another ordinary Computer Science University graduate of 2002, that started his official career still being a student at 2000 february as a web-master (yes there where those guys then). Which failed soon as me becoming more a system and database administration than a pure developer in a local bank and then in a federal communication bureau department. About from 2011 to 2016 even this kind of near-computer activities were dumped to try out a small building company cooperation. Which again mostly was a failure. Mostly.
Restarted software development career nontheless now uses both - old school deeper understanding of how the hardware works and social behavior experience in a position of a company manager. It occurs some of skills collected besides of programming these years now are helping to succesfully run small devops teams.
In nearest perspective I am intended to get engaged in more complex and long term projects that are effectively driven in the Agile way. I've reached that line after which I should share more outside than evolve on my own as a specialist. Having such an experienced and though progressive, sociable person in your team or company will be payed back generously as quality, highly reliable and supportable software products.
And yeah, I know what you guys wanna hear ;P
PS. Do not get confused by my spelling - not a native english speaker.