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It logs.

You can configure lumberjack to log to the console (multiple formats), files, and Loki. It uses winston for logging and axios for http transport.

This package has a custom Loki integration to specifically integrate with the Grafana Cloud API (winston-loki has problems with authenticating to Grafana Cloud). The Loki integration also includes a cache that holds messages and sends them in groups to the Grafana endpoint. Being a cloud native, I haven't checked this against a local Loki instance 😭.



npm i @sndwrks/lumberjack


The logger can be configured only once. Once configureLogger() is called the subsequent configuration object is frozen. Additionally, configureLogger() should be called before you call beginLogging() to return a logger instance.

Configuration is passed as an object to configureLogger(). None of the parameters are explicitly required, but you should specify at least one option as true. If you don't specify at least one winston will store the logs in memory which may not be what you wanted.

If lokiConfig.apiKey,, or lokiConfig.username are not included, Loki Transport is turned off.

There are a few formats for the console logging: pretty, google cloud (gcp), or string. pretty is all fancy-like most useful for development, but terrible in production. gcp uses the google cloud log format. string is a single line json string for more generic production use if you logging to the console.


name type required description
logToConsole Object No Console configuration object
`logToConsole.enable Boolean No Should lumberjack log to the console?
`logToConsole.type Enum No What format should log to the console? 'pretty', 'gcp', 'string'
logToFiles Boolean No Should lumberjack log to the file system? It logs to two files any error messages to ./error.log and any other messages (less sever than error) to ./combined.log.
logLevel Enum No 'error','warn', 'info', 'http', 'verbose', 'debug', 'silly' The default is silly
service String No The name of the service to include this is included in the metadata that is sent to Loki so it is queryable. Default is my-saucy-logger
-------------------------- ------- -------- --------------------------------------------------
lokiConfig Object No Configuration for Loki.
lokiConfig.apiKey String Yes The API you receive from Grafana. String Yes The URL of the host lumberjack should send the logs to.
lokiConfig.username String Yes The username to receive from Grafana.
lokiConfig.sendLogs Boolean No Should the transport send logs to Loki? Default is false
lokiConfig.logCacheLimit Number No Sets how many logs are stored before the transport sends them. Default is 10


Logger Configuration

import { configureLogger } from '@sndwrks/lumberjack';

// full configuration or "whole hog" as they say in the biz
  logToConsole: {
    enabled: true,
    type: 'pretty', // <pretty | gcp | string>
  logToFiles: true,
  lokiConfig: {
    sendLogs: true,
    host: process.env.LOKI_HOST,
    username: process.env.LOKI_USERNAME,
    apiKey: process.env.LOKI_API_KEY,
    logCacheLimit: 10,
  logLevel: 'silly',
  service: 'lumberjack-dev-test',


import { beginLogging } from '@sndwrks/lumberjack';

const logger = beginLogging({ name: 'myImportantFile.js' });



If you like this and want to contribute, well sweet. Just slap up a pr.

to-do & desires

  • Moar Tests
  • Typescript
  • Handle shutdown in some fashion
  • More formats