- This library is only for LDAP authentication. If you're looking for a more complete LDAP implementation, check out http://ldapjs.org/
Provides a simple function for validating username/password credentials on an LDAP server.
This can be used in web-applications that authenticate users from a central directory.
It binds to the native OpenLDAP library (libldap) and calls ldap_simple_bind().
Ensure libldap (OpenLDAP client library) is installed.
You need to add ldapauth.node to your application.
var ldapauth = require('./ldapauth'); // path to ldapauth.node
ldapauth.authenticate('scheme', 'some.host', 389 /*port*/, 'someuser', 'somepassword',
function(err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {
print('Credentials valid = ' + result); // true or false
- http://nodejs.org/
- http://www.openldap.org/
- man 3 ldap_bind
2010, Joe Walnes, [email protected], http://joewalnes.com/