This package adds an easy to use Livewire component to your application, which will create and largely manage a Quill editor for you.
It supports image uploads out of the box with zero work from you.
v2.0 of this package only supports Livewire v3.x. If you're still using Livewire 2.x, please use v1.0 of this package.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require joelwmale/livewire-quill
After you've installed the package, you can optionally publish the config to change any defaults:
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=livewire-quill:config
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
* The base folder to store the images in
'storage_folder' => env('LIVEWIRE_QUILL_STORAGE_FOLDER', 'images'),
* Should the images be stored publically or not
'store_publically' => env('LIVEWIRE_QUILL_STORE_PUBLICALLY', true),
* Should the images be deleted from the server once deleted in the editor
* or retained for future use (note: the package will never re-use the same image)
'clean_up_deleted_images' => env('LIVEWIRE_QUILL_CLEAN_UP_DELETED_IMAGES', true),
Use it in any Livewire component like so:
@livewire('livewire-quill', [
'quillId' => 'customQuillId',
'data' => $content,
'classes' => 'bg-white',
'toolbar' => [
'header' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, false],
['bold', 'italic', 'underline'],
'list' => 'ordered',
'list' => 'bullet',
On your Livewire component, add the following:
use Joelwmale\LivewireQuill\Traits\HasQuillEditor;
class SomeLivewireComponent extends Component
use HasQuillEditor;
public function contentChanged($editorId, $content)
// $editorId is the id use when you initiated the livewire component
// $content is the raw text editor content
// save to the local variable...
$this->content = $content;
A div is created with this id, this allows for easy use of multiple quill instances on the same page.
This is the initial value of the text editor (i.e: a previous saved version of the text editor)
Any custom classes you wish to add to the base editor class.
Note: for any customisation, we recommend using CSS to make changes. You can always edit a specific Quill instance by referring to the #quillId variable.
An array of arrays to manage and create a toolbar for Quill to use
If you wish to initialise Livewire Quill manually (i.e after you show a modal) you can dispatch an event to the window:
composer test
Copyright © Joel Male
Livewire Quill is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.