This repository contains all necessary tools that I usually use, such as Neovim configuration and my cheat command script.
This script is compatible with Unix-like operating systems (Linux, macOS) and requires curl
to download the script. If curl
is unavailable, you can use wget
as an alternative:
With curl
curl -o && source
With wget
wget -O && source
To make the script permanently available, add it to your shell configuration file. For example:
In ~/.bashrc
(for Bash):
echo 'source /path/to/' >> ~/.bashrc
In ~/.zshrc
(for Zsh):
echo 'source /path/to/' >> ~/.zshrc
After updating the configuration file, reload it using:
source ~/.bashrc # For Bash
source ~/.zshrc # For Zsh
Usage: cheat {linux|git|redis|kubernetes|ssh|postgres|opensearch|mysql|jq|docker
cheat redis
redis-cli -h HOST_NAME - Connecting with cli to redis
MONITOR - Realtime information about operations
INFO keyspace - Get databases and its information
SELECT database - Select a database to work on
KEYS * - List all keys on the current database
FLUSHDB - Delete all keys on the current database
Neovim template adapted to my style.
curl -sSL | sh -s mac
curl -sSL | sh -s nvim ubuntu
curl -sSL | sh -s nvim debian
+ : Mandatory key combination
*: Optional key combination
key/command | action description |
leader + s + g | Search on all files as a grep |
leader + f + f | Find files by name |
key/command | action description |
0 | Start of line |
$ | End of line |
gg | Beginning of file |
G | End of file |
w | Next word |
b | Previous word |
key/command | action description |
%s/searchstring/replacestring/gc |
Search and replace the string |
leader + s + p | Search and replace on current file (leader + i: toggle ignore case) |
0 (first position) + gg (first line) + visual + G | Select all |
leader + s + A | Select all |
(visual mode) + leader + u/U | Transform selection to lowercase/uppercase |
(visual mode) + gsa + ( (,[,"', .. ) | Add surrounding text hola -> (hola) |
key/command | action description |
yyp | Copy current line to below |
key/command | action description |
leader + g + d | Go to definition |
K | Hover to show information (ex. function description) |
Key/Command | Action Description |
:ls | List all open buffers |
shift + h | Previous buffer |
shift + l | Next buffer |
leader + b + d (same as :bd) | Close the current buffer |
:w | Save changes to the current buffer |
key/command | action description |
ctrl + w + (H | L) | Move current window to (left | right) window |
leader + w + (h | j | k | l) | Move to (left | top | bottom | right) windows |
key/command | action description |
leader + t + (j | k | l) | Open terminal on (top | bottom | right) windows |
key/command | action description |
leader + e | Open file explorer |
:edit $filename | Creates/Opens files |
leader + c + p | Copy current file relative path |
key/command | action description |
s | Split file vertically |
shift + s | Split file horizontal |
a | Add files and folders |
c | Copy |
m | Move |
o | Order |
i | Info |
shift + h | Show hidden files |
key/command | action description |
tab * (h | l) | Switch tab (left | right) |
leader + b + d | Delete tab |