The sslearn
library is a Python package for machine learning over Semi-supervised datasets. It is an extension of scikit-learn.
- joblib >= 1.2.0
- numpy >= 1.23.3
- pandas >= 1.4.3
- scikit_learn >= 1.2.0
- scipy >= 1.10.1
- statsmodels >= 0.13.2
- pytest = 7.2.0 (only for testing)
It can be installed using Pypi:
pip install sslearn
title = {SSLearn: A Semi-Supervised Learning library for Python},
journal = {SoftwareX},
volume = {29},
pages = {102024},
year = {2025},
issn = {2352-7110},
doi = {},
author = {José L. Garrido-Labrador and Jesús M. Maudes-Raedo and Juan J. Rodríguez and César I. García-Osorio},
The research carried out for the development of this software has been partially funded by the Junta de Castilla y León (project BU055P20), by the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain (projects PID2020-119894GB-I00 and TED 2021-129485B-C43) and by the project AIM-LAC (EP/S023992 /1). The author has been a beneficiary of the predoctoral scholarship from the Ministry of Education of the Junta de Castilla y León EDU/875/2021.