Mapping meQTL-epi in ddm1-derived epiRILs in four-step QTL analysis
• R version 4.0.2 with the following installed packages: data.table, qtl, dplyr, xlsx, stringr, ggplot2, reshape2
• Sufficient amount of RAM memory to run the QTL analysis (recommended minimum is 8 GB)
• The administrative privileges are required to install and run R‑Studio utilities.
• A network connection for data recovering over network.
To install the required packages type the following command in the R console.
install.packages(c('data.table', 'qtl', 'dplyr', 'xlsx', 'stringr', 'ggplot2', 'reshape2'))
To load the provided functions use load command in the R console.
examplary_run.R file presents the demo of running the pipeline for toy datasets located in toy_dataset directory (containing phenotype.csv, genotype.csv, positions.csv and marker.csv files).
To run the demo file, use the R (RStudio is recommended), change the first row of the script by typing your working directory where you have placed all the files from this repository, eg:
and run the script in R console.
The expected output is located in toy_outputs and it consists of the following files:
• PERM-all-traits_log_nm.Rdata - Rbinary dataset with the results from permutation test performed by rqtl package;
• QTL-direction-data-all-traits_log_nm.Rdata - Rbinary dataset with the effect direction for a given association (epimarker and phenotype);
• QTL-mapping-all-traits_log_nm.Rdata - Rbinary dataset with the results from the mapping procedure performed by rqtl package;
• REF-data-all-traits_log_nm.Rdata - Rbinary dataset with the crossing file used as the input for mapping procedure by rqtl package;
• SCANPOSINFO-all-traits_log_nm.Rdata - Rbinary dataset with positions of the markers after mapping procedure;
• gc_genotype_log_nm.csv - comma-separated csv file with the genotype data after preprocessing used for running the mapping procedure by rqtl package;
• mp_traits_log_nm.csv - comma-separated csv file with the phenotype data after preprocessing used for running the mapping procedure by rqtl package;
• info_peaks_log_nm.csv - comma-separated csv file with the positions of the peaks from mapping outputs.
For 20 phenotypic traits, the whole pipeline takes around 1 minute, whereas:
• Running a mapping_qtl function could take 2 seconds per one trait (40 seconds for toy datasets);
• Running a getQTLpeaks_new function could take less than 1 second per one trait (10 seconds for toy datasets);
• Running a qtlpeaks.plot and transcis.plot functions could take no longer than 10 seconds in total.
• Required input datasets:
genotype dataset - csv comma divided file with epigenotype profile (M/U) for each epimarker and line
marker information dataset - directory to csv comma divided file with marker chromosome and start-end positions
• Useful commands:
After collecting your datasets (make sure they have the same column names as in the toy datasets), load the required functions by using the following command:
and load the functions provided to this repository using:
as the inputs you need to select your input/output directory and write down directories to your data, like below:
mp_traits_dir <- 'toy_dataset//phenotype.csv'
gc_genotype_dir <- 'toy_dataset//genotype.csv'
marker_dir <- 'toy_dataset//markers.csv'
positions_dir <- 'toy_dataset//positions.csv'
output.dir <- 'examplary_outputs//'
input.dir <- output.dir
Then you can use the functions to run the pipeline:
mapping_qtl(mp_traits_dir, gc_genotype_dir, marker_dir, output.dir)
getQTLpeaks_new(input.dir, marker_dir)
plot1 <- qtlpeaks.plot(input.dir, marker_dir)
plot2 <- transcis.plot(input.dir, marker_dir, positions_dir)
By calling plot1 or plot2 in R with installed ggplot2 you can see your plots.
mapping_qtl - perform preprocessing of the data (based on the log transformation and preparing datasets for QTL analysis) - perform a mappinh and permutations (QTL analysis) - calculate genotype probabilites and map - calculate effect direction (phenotype ~ epigenotype)
getQTLpeaks_new function (required datasets: directory with outputs after performing mapping_qtl function)
getQTLpeaks_new - select a significant peaks with a given alpha level
qtlpeaks.plot function (required datasets: directory with outputs after performing mapping_qtl function, marker_dir)
qtlpeaks.plot - plot a LOD score thresholds for the peaks selected in getQTLpeaks_new
transcis.plot function (required datasets: directory with outputs after performing mapping_qtl function, marker_dir, positions_dir)
transcis.plot - plot a LOD score thresholds for the peaks selected in getQTLpeaks_new