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Bae jiun, Maybe edited this page Dec 26, 2017 · 1 revision

namespace thread implementation



Implemented in pool.hpp.

A nice and simple thread pool that supports C++ standard threads. With std::future, you can infer the expected type of result ahead of time when the job is added, and you can get the job done and get the results. When the task is added, parameters can be seamlessly executed in shared memory via std::bind, std::packaged_task, and std::shared_ptr. You can also add a task that takes a thread_id as an argument.


  • std::future<> push(F&& f, Args&&… args) std::bind and package the given function and arguments at the point of adding the work, and pass it to the worker who made it beforehand. Once the operation is done through the returned std::future, you can get the result.
  • std::future<void> push(F&&f) Same as above method overload, but f have thread_id as argument type size_t. And can't pass no other arguments. It's do not make sense bind with size_t(thread id) with origin arguments. So if you need, pass through lambda capture.
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