JointCode.Shuttle is a fast, flexible and easy-to-use service-oriented framework for cross-AppDomain communication. It's a replacement for MarshalByrefObject provided by the runtime libraries. Features including:
- Service (interface) oriented.
- Access to services registered in any AppDomains from one AppDomain.
- Better performance: 60 ~ 70 times faster than MarshalByrefObject.
- Services are manageable: dynamically register/unregister services at runtime without having to restart the application, or even restart AppDomain.
- Strong type, easy to use (while the MarshalByrefObject way relies on magic string to find the service type).
- Built-in IoC functionality for automatic service dependencies management.
- Supports for lazy type / assembly loading.
- The remote service lifetime can be managed by leasing, or on demand (the MarshalByrefObject way does not provide remote service life management).
- Simple and quick to get started.
- Support .net 2.0.
- Only supports 32-bit applications (x86 target platforms)
- Only supports Windows (only supports for .net framework, no mono support at this time)
- No support for cross-AppDomain events
- Not thoroughly tested
- JointCode.Shuttle, a fast, flexible and easy-to-use service-oriented framework for cross-AppDomain communication
- Improve cross-AppDomain communication using JointCode.Shuttle
This example is also available as a stand-alone integration test:
using System;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
using JointCode.Common.Extensions;
using JointCode.Expressions;
using JointCode.ServiceInjector;
using JointCode.Shuttle;
using JointCode.Shuttle.Services;
namespace JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleSample
public static class ShuttleDomainHelper
public static ShuttleDomain Create(string assemblySymbol, string assemblyName)
return Create(assemblySymbol, assemblyName, null);
public static ShuttleDomain Create(string assemblySymbol, string assemblyName, ServiceContainer svContainer)
var dynAsmOptions = new DynamicAssemblyOptions
AccessMode = AssemblyBuilderAccess.Run,
AssemblyName = new AssemblyName(assemblyName)
var options = new ShuttleDomainOptions
DynamicAssemblySymbol = assemblySymbol,
DynamicAssemblyOptions = dynAsmOptions,
DefaultLeaseTime = 10.Seconds(),
PollingInterval = 5.Seconds()
return ShuttleDomain.Create(ref options, svContainer);
catch (Exception e)
if (e.InnerException != null)
return null;
public interface ISimpleService
string GetOutput(string input);
[ServiceClass(typeof(ISimpleService), Lifetime = LifetimeEnum.Transient)]
public class SimpleService : ISimpleService
public string GetOutput(string input)
return string.Format
("SimpleService.GetOutput says: now, we are running in AppDomain: {0}, and the input passed from the caller is: {1}",
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName, input);
public class ServiceEnd : MarshalByRefObject
// 这里必须使用一个字段来持有 ShuttleDomain 实例的引用,因为它是当前 AppDomain 与外部 AppDomain 之间通信的桥梁。
// 如果该实例被垃圾回收,通过该实例注册的所有服务会被注销,且当前 AppDomain 与外部 AppDomain 之间将无法通信。
// We need a field to keep the _shuttleDomain alive, because if it is garbage collected, we'll lose all communications
// with other AppDomains.
ShuttleDomain _shuttleDomain;
public void RegisterServices()
// 注册服务组时,需要传递一个 Guid 对象
// A Guid is needed when registering service group
var guid = Guid.NewGuid();
_shuttleDomain.RegisterServiceGroup(ref guid,
new ServiceTypePair(typeof(ISimpleService), typeof(SimpleService)));
public void CreateShuttleDomain()
// 创建一个 ShuttleDomain
// Create a ShuttleDomain object
_shuttleDomain = ShuttleDomainHelper.Create("domain1", "domain1");
public void DisposeShuttleDomain()
class Program
const string SimpleServiceEndDll = "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleServiceEnd.dll";
const string SimpleRemoteServiceEndType = "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleServiceEnd.SimpleRemoteServiceEnd2";
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Tests begin...");
// 要使用 JointCode.Shuttle 进行跨 AppDomain 通信,首先必须初始化 ShuttleDomain。
// 这个初始化操作一般在默认 AppDomain 执行,但也可以在其他 AppDomain 中执行,都是一样的。
// To make cross-AppDomain communication with JointCode.Shuttle, initialize the ShuttleDomain at first.
// It doesn't matter whether the initialization is done in default AppDomain or any other AppDomains,
// but it must be done before any ShuttleDomain instance is created.
// 在默认 AppDomain 中,创建一个 ShuttleDomain。
// 事实上,在需要与其他 AppDomain 进行通信的每个 AppDomain 中,都要有一个且只能有一个 ShuttleDomain 对象。
// 尝试在一个 AppDomain 中创建多个 ShuttleDomain 对象时将会抛出异常。
// 该对象用于与其他 AppDomain 中的 ShuttleDomain 对象通信。
// Creating a ShuttleDomain instance in default AppDomain.
// Actually, we needs one and only one ShuttleDomain instance in every AppDomain that needs to communicate
// with others. Trying to create another ShuttleDomain in the same AppDomain causes exceptions.
// The ShuttleDomain instances communicates with each other across AppDomains.
var str = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
var shuttleDomain = ShuttleDomainHelper.Create(str, str);
if (CallServicesDefineInThisAssembly(shuttleDomain)
&& CallServicesDefinedInAnotherAssembly(shuttleDomain))
Console.WriteLine("Tests completed...");
Console.WriteLine("Tests failed...");
static bool CallServicesDefineInThisAssembly(ShuttleDomain shuttleDomain)
// 在默认 AppDomain 中创建一个子 AppDomain。
// Creating a child AppDomain in default AppDomain.
var serviceEnd1Domain = AppDomain.CreateDomain("ServiceEndDomain1", null, null);
// 创建一个 ServiceEnd 对象以用于操作该子 AppDomain。
// Creating a ServiceEnd instance for operating that child AppDomain.
var serviceEnd = (ServiceEnd)serviceEnd1Domain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
(typeof(Program).Assembly.FullName, "JoitCode.Shuttle.SimpleSample.ServiceEnd");
// 在子 AppDomain 中,创建一个 ShuttleDomain 实例。
// Creating a ShuttleDomain instance in the child AppDomain.
// 在子 AppDomain 中,注册 ISimpleService 服务。
// Registering ISimpleService service in the child AppDomain.
// 在默认 AppDomain 中,获取子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService 服务实例。
// 目前服务实例的默认生存期为 1 分钟。每次调用服务方法时,服务实例的生存期延长 30 秒。
// Get the ISimpleService service in default AppDomain, which is registered by the child AppDomain.
// The lifetime of service is default to 1 minute, every call to the service method extends that time for 30 seconds.
ISimpleService service;
if (shuttleDomain.TryGetService(out service))
Console.WriteLine("Currently, we are running in AppDomain {0}, " +
"and we are trying to call a remote serivce that defined in the same library...",
// 调用子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService 服务实例的服务方法。
// Call the service method of ISimpleService service.
var output = service.GetOutput("Bingo");
Console.WriteLine("Failed to invoke the remote service method...");
return false;
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create remote service instance...");
return false;
// 通知子 AppDomain 立即释放 ISimpleService 服务实例,而不用等待其生存期结束。
// 此为可选操作,因为即使不手动释放 ISimpleService 服务实例,在其生命期结束之时系统也会自动释放该实例
//(如果 ISimpleService 实现了 IDisposable,还会调用其 Dispose 方法)
// Indicating the child AppDomain to release the ISimpleService service immediately, instead of waiting for its lifetime to end.
// This is optional, because even if we don't do this explicitly, the ISimpleService service will still get released in the
// child AppDomain automatically when its lifetime ends.
// And, if the ISimpleService derives from IDisposable, the Dispose method will also get called at that time.
// 在子 AppDomain 中,释放缓存的 ShuttleDomain 实例。这将会注销通过该实例注册的所有服务(在本示例中,即 ISimpleService 服务),
// 并切断该 AppDomain 与所有 AppDomain 的通信。
// Releasing the ShuttleDomain instance in the child AppDomain, this will unregister all services registered by that
// instance, and shut down all communications between that child AppDomain and all other AppDomains.
return true;
static bool CallServicesDefinedInAnotherAssembly(ShuttleDomain shuttleDomain)
var remoteDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), null, null);
var currentDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
var simpleServiceEndPath = Path.Combine(currentDir, SimpleServiceEndDll);
var asmName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(simpleServiceEndPath);
var simpleRemoteServiceEnd = (SimpleRemoteServiceEnd)remoteDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap
(asmName.FullName, SimpleRemoteServiceEndType);
ISimpleService2 service2;
if (shuttleDomain.TryGetService(out service2))
Console.WriteLine("Trying to call a remote serivce that defined in another library from AppDomain {0}...",
// 调用子 AppDomain 中注册的 ISimpleService2 服务实例的服务方法。
// Call the service method of ISimpleService2 service.
var output = service2.GetOutput("Duang");
Console.WriteLine("Failed to invoke the remote service method...");
return false;
Console.WriteLine("Failed to create remote service instance...");
return false;
return true;