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Jed Northridge edited this page Apr 26, 2015 · 8 revisions

Publishing Slides

The slides created by reveal-ck are static html.

Thankfully, static html is easily published and shared via Github Pages.

What follows is an introduction and general approach for publishing slides. If you'd prefer to see a working example, then you can jump to jedcn/publishing-reveal-ck-slides.

reveal-ck and slides/

reveal-ck generates slides in the slides/ directory.

If you've added to images/ or css/ to support your presentation, these files are also copied into slides/images or slides/css.

The simple idea of "putting everything in slides/" means that slides/ contains everything you need, and in turn this allows you to:

  • zip up the contents of slides/ and SFTP it to the server of your choice.
  • rsync the contents underneath slides/ to the web server of your choice.
  • commit the content in slides/ and then publish and share it via Github Pages.

If you're zipping or rsyncing, I presume you'll handle the details.

However-- if you're using Github Pages we can all follow a common approach.

reveal-ck and Github Pages

And so, here's how I suggest you go forward:

  • Track your main content (the, images, css) on the master branch.
  • Add slides/ to your .gitignore over on master.
  • Create a gh-pages branch that's an "orphan" from your master branch
  • Clone gh-pages into your slides/ directory
  • Generate slides as normal

If you do this, you'll commit changes to master and you'll commit the generated slides to gh-pages.

When you push gh-pages up to origin, your slides will automatically be published.

Step 0: Create some Slides

Step 1: Create a branch named gh-pages

Follow these directions provided by github for manually creating a gh-pages branch. Pro Tip: cd /tmp before you do the following.

I usually start these directions with cd /tmp, meaning, I create a temporary clone on my local machine in the tmp directory. This lets me be sure that I won't impact my original slide presentation.

Step 2: Clone the gh-pages branch to ./slides

Once you've created a gh-pages, then return to the original location where you cloned and built out your slides. Then..

  • Add slides to your .gitignore
  • Eliminate the generated ./slides directory with rm -rf ./slides
  • Clone the newly created gh-pages directory into ./slides by cloning a single branch, like so: git clone --branch gh-pages --single-branch ./slides

Step 3: Regenerate Slides, Commit, Push, Repeat

Now you've got the same repository cloned twice-- one version exists in the present working directory and a second, gh-pages version, exists underneath ./slides.

To publish changes (and make future changes):

  • Regenerate your slides with reveal-ck generate
  • Change directory into ./slides
  • Look at what's in index.html with your browser
  • Commit any changes and then push this branch back up to gh-pages, ala, git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages
  • View what's at, and circulate this to your friends.

You're done!