Netbox plugin for static route documentation.
This project is not currently packaged. Installation will require cloning the repository and running in the Netbox virtual environment.
After running, enable the plugin in netbox/netbox/
in the PLUGINS
parameter (which is a list):
Save the file and restart the Netbox service.
Like any Netbox plugin which implements database models, you must apply migration files included in the project using the migrate
management command:
$ python netbox/ migrate
Operations to perform:
Apply all migrations: admin, auth, circuits, contenttypes, dcim, django_rq, extras, ipam, netbox_access_lists, sessions, social_django, taggit, tenancy, users, virtualization, wireless
Running migrations:
Applying netbox_static_routes.0001_initial... OK
You may or may not have to restart the Netbox service after applying migrations.
Netbox Static Routes should be usable upon page refresh.
Currently Netbox Static Routes only supports next-hops as arrays of IP addresses. Some network vendors allow for next-hops other than an IP address. Examples include an interface or a route table. It would be helpful to allow for storage of other types beyond IP addresses.
Open for contribution. Email me at [email protected] with any suggestions or if you would like to contribute.