A quick boilerplate for Serverless with support for Typescript, Jest, and offline mode.
Includes a /ping
endpoint as an example.
yarn && yarn dev
Installs dependencies and starts the dev server in offline mode.
You should now be able to access the api locally: http://localhost:4000/api/ping
yarn dev
Starts the dev server in offline mode.
yarn test
Runs the test runner once.
yarn test:watch
Runs the test runner in watch mode.
yarn test:coverage
Runs the test runner once, and generates a coverage report.
yarn lint
Runs the linter once, and displays warnings.
yarn lint:fix
Runs the linter once, and attempts to auto-fix warnings.
yarn prettier
Runs prettier once, and displays warnings.
yarn prettier:write
Runs prettier once, and writes changes. This is also a pre-commit hook.