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EOSX: Add table reader for compose, work in progress
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jaykalinani committed Aug 19, 2024
1 parent 28c7384 commit 997dbb7
Showing 1 changed file with 273 additions and 0 deletions.
273 changes: 273 additions & 0 deletions EOSX/src/eos_3p_tabulated3d/eos_readtable_compose.hxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@

#define NTABLES 19

#include <cctk.h>
#include <string>
#include "../eos_3p.hxx"
#include "../utils/eos_linear_interp_ND.hxx"

namespace EOSX{
using namespace std;
using namespace eos_constants;

static linear_interp_uniform_ND_t<CCTK_REAL, 3, NTABLES> interptable;
static CCTK_INT ntemp, nrho, nye;
static CCTK_REAL energy_shift;

// Routine reading the EOS table and filling the corresponding object
eos_readtable_compose(const string &filename) {
CCTK_VINFO("Reading EOS table '%s'", filename.c_str());

auto fapl_id = H5Pcreate(H5P_FILE_ACCESS);
assert(fapl_id >= 0);
hid_t file_id = 0;
int rank_id;
CHECK_ERROR(MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank_id));

CHECK_ERROR(H5Pset_fapl_mpio(fapl_id, MPI_COMM_WORLD, MPI_INFO_NULL));
CHECK_ERROR(H5Pset_all_coll_metadata_ops(fapl_id, true));
file_id = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl_id);
fapl_id = H5P_DEFAULT;
if (rank_id == 0) {
file_id = H5Fopen(filename.c_str(), H5F_ACC_RDONLY, fapl_id);
// TODO: bcast table info to all ranks

assert(file_id >= 0);

// Get number of points
get_hdf5_int_dset(file_id, "pointstemp", 1, &ntemp);
get_hdf5_int_dset(file_id, "pointsrho", 1, &nrho);
get_hdf5_int_dset(file_id, "pointsye", 1, &nye);

const int npoints = ntemp * nrho * nye;

CCTK_VINFO("EOS table dimensions: ntemp = %d, nrho = %d, nye = %d", ntemp,
nrho, nye);

// Allocate memory for tables

CCTK_REAL *logrho, *logtemp, *yes;
CCTK_REAL *epstable;
CCTK_REAL *alltables;

CCTK_REAL *alltables_temp;
if (!(alltables_temp = (CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(
npoints * NTABLES * sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");
if (!(logrho = (CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(nrho *
sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");
if (!(logtemp = (CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(ntemp *
sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");
if (!(yes =
(CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(nye * sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");

// Prepare HDF5 to read hyperslabs into alltables_temp
hsize_t table_dims[2] = {NTABLES, (hsize_t)npoints};
hsize_t var3[2] = {1, (hsize_t)npoints};
hid_t mem3 = H5Screate_simple(2, table_dims, NULL);

// Read additional tables and variables
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "nb", nrho, logrho);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "t", ntemp, logtemp);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "yq", nye, yes);

// Thermo Table
// Number of variables in the thermo table

hid_t thermo_id;
HDF5_ERROR(thermo_id = H5Gopen(file, "/Thermo_qty"));
int nthermo;
get_hdf5_int_dset(thermo_id, "pointsqty", 1, &nthermo);

// Read thermo index array
int *thermo_index = new int[nthermo];
get_hdf5_real_dset(thermo_id,"index_thermo", thermo_index, H5T_NATIVE_INT, H5S_ALL);

// Allocate memory and read table
double *thermo_table = new double[nthermo * nrho * ntemp * nye];
READ_EOS_HDF5_COMPOSE(thermo_id,"thermo", thermo_table, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL);


// hydro (and munu)
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "logpress", npoints,
&alltables_temp[0 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "logenergy", npoints,
&alltables_temp[1 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "entropy", npoints, &alltables_temp[2 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "munu", npoints, &alltables_temp[3 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "cs2", npoints, &alltables_temp[4 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "dedt", npoints, &alltables_temp[5 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "dpdrhoe", npoints, &alltables_temp[6 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "dpderho", npoints, &alltables_temp[7 * npoints]);

// chemical potentials
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "muhat", npoints, &alltables_temp[8 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "mu_e", npoints, &alltables_temp[9 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "mu_p", npoints, &alltables_temp[10 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "mu_n", npoints, &alltables_temp[11 * npoints]);

// compositions
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Xa", npoints, &alltables_temp[12 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Xh", npoints, &alltables_temp[13 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Xn", npoints, &alltables_temp[14 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Xp", npoints, &alltables_temp[15 * npoints]);

// average nucleus
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Abar", npoints, &alltables_temp[16 * npoints]);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "Zbar", npoints, &alltables_temp[17 * npoints]);

// Gamma
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "gamma", npoints, &alltables_temp[18 * npoints]);

// Read additional tables and variables
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "logrho", nrho, logrho);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "logtemp", ntemp, logtemp);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "ye", nye, yes);
get_hdf5_real_dset(file_id, "energy_shift", 1, &energy_shift);


if (rank_id == 0) {

// Fill actual table
if (!(alltables = (CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(
npoints * NTABLES * sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");
for (int iv = 0; iv < NTABLES; iv++)
for (int k = 0; k < nye; k++)
for (int j = 0; j < ntemp; j++)
for (int i = 0; i < nrho; i++) {
int indold = i + nrho * (j + ntemp * (k + nye * iv));
int indnew = iv + NTABLES * (i + nrho * (j + ntemp * k));

// Maybe swap temp axis?
// int indnew = iv + NTABLES*(j + ntemp*(i + nrho*k));
alltables[indnew] = alltables_temp[indold];

// free memory of temporary array

// allocate epstable; a linear-scale eps table
// that allows us to extrapolate to negative eps
if (!(epstable = (CCTK_REAL *)amrex::The_Managed_Arena()->alloc(
npoints * sizeof(CCTK_REAL)))) {
"Cannot allocate memory for EOS table");

// convert units, convert logs to natural log
// The latter is great, because exp() is way faster than pow()
// pressure
energy_shift = energy_shift * EPSGF;
for (int i = 0; i < nrho; i++) {
// rewrite:
// logrho[i] = log(pow(10.0,logrho[i]) * RHOGF);
// by using log(a^b*c) = b*log(a)+log(c)
logrho[i] = logrho[i] * log(10.) + log(RHOGF);

for (int i = 0; i < ntemp; i++) {
// logtemp[i] = log(pow(10.0,logtemp[i]));
logtemp[i] = logtemp[i] * log(10.0);

// convert units
for (int i = 0; i < npoints; i++) {

{ // pressure
int idx = 0 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] = alltables[idx] * log(10.0) + log(PRESSGF);

{ // eps
int idx = 1 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] = alltables[idx] * log(10.0) + log(EPSGF);
epstable[i] = exp(alltables[idx]);

{ // cs2
int idx = 4 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] *= LENGTHGF * LENGTHGF / TIMEGF / TIMEGF;

{ // dedT
int idx = 5 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] *= EPSGF;

{ // dpdrhoe
int idx = 6 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] *= PRESSGF / RHOGF;

{ // dpderho
int idx = 7 + NTABLES * i;
alltables[idx] *= PRESSGF / EPSGF;

auto num_points =
std::array<size_t, 3>{size_t(nrho), size_t(ntemp), size_t(nye)};

auto logrho_ptr = std::unique_ptr<CCTK_REAL[]>(new CCTK_REAL[nrho]);
auto logtemp_ptr = std::unique_ptr<CCTK_REAL[]>(new CCTK_REAL[ntemp]);
auto ye_ptr = std::unique_ptr<CCTK_REAL[]>(new CCTK_REAL[nye]);
auto alltables_ptr =
std::unique_ptr<CCTK_REAL[]>(new CCTK_REAL[npoints * NTABLES]);

for (int i = 0; i < nrho; ++i)
logrho_ptr[i] = logrho[i];
for (int i = 0; i < ntemp; ++i)
logtemp_ptr[i] = logtemp[i];
for (int i = 0; i < nye; ++i)
ye_ptr[i] = yes[i];
for (int i = 0; i < npoints * NTABLES; ++i)
alltables_ptr[i] = alltables[i];


interptable = linear_interp_uniform_ND_t<CCTK_REAL, 3, NTABLES>(
std::move(alltables_ptr), std::move(num_points), std::move(logrho_ptr),
std::move(logtemp_ptr), std::move(ye_ptr));

// set up steps, mins, maxes here?
} //namespace EOSX

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