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jaykalinani committed Aug 19, 2024
2 parents e263d3e + 96e08d0 commit 32cd244
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Showing 26 changed files with 3,828 additions and 71 deletions.
32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions AsterX/interface.ccl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,3 +104,35 @@ CCTK_REAL analysis_quantities TYPE=gf CENTERING={ccc}
} "Analysis quantities"

#grid functions required for upwindCT computation of electric field

CCTK_REAL vtilde_xface TYPE=gf CENTERING={vcc} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
vtilde_y_xface, vtilde_z_xface
} "staggered vtilde components on x-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"

CCTK_REAL vtilde_yface TYPE=gf CENTERING={cvc} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
vtilde_x_yface, vtilde_z_yface
} "staggered vtilde components on y-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"

CCTK_REAL vtilde_zface TYPE=gf CENTERING={ccv} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
vtilde_x_zface, vtilde_y_zface
} "staggered vtilde components on z-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"

CCTK_REAL a_xface TYPE=gf CENTERING={vcc} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
amax_xface, amin_xface
} "staggered vtilde components on x-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"

CCTK_REAL a_yface TYPE=gf CENTERING={cvc} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
amax_yface, amin_yface
} "staggered vtilde components on y-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"

CCTK_REAL a_zface TYPE=gf CENTERING={ccv} TAGS='checkpoint="no"'
amax_zface, amin_zface
} "staggered vtilde components on z-face where vtilde^i = \alpha*v^i-\Beta^i"
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions AsterX/param.ccl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,10 @@ CCTK_REAL lorenz_damp_fac "Damping factor used in the Lorenz Gauge (see Farris e
0:* :: "should be positive"
} 0.0

BOOLEAN use_uct "Shall we use the Upwind-CT method to compute the electric field (instead of the fluxCT approach)?" STEERABLE=always
} "no"

KEYWORD flux_type "Flux solver" STEERABLE=always
"LxF" :: ""
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +106,10 @@ USES CCTK_REAL rho_strict
USES CCTK_INT max_iter
USES CCTK_REAL n_rho_atmo
USES CCTK_REAL n_press_atmo
USES BOOLEAN thermal_eos_atmo

USES KEYWORD reconstruction_method
Expand Down
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions AsterX/schedule.ccl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -167,11 +167,15 @@ SCHEDULE AsterX_Fluxes IN AsterX_RHSGroup
READS: dens(everywhere) tau(everywhere) mom(everywhere)
READS: HydroBaseX::rho(everywhere) HydroBaseX::vel(everywhere) HydroBaseX::press(everywhere) HydroBaseX::eps(everywhere)
READS: HydroBaseX::Bvec(everywhere)
READS: dBx_stag(everywhere) dBy_stag(everywhere) dBz_stag(everywhere)
READS: Avec_x(everywhere) Avec_y(everywhere) Avec_z(everywhere) Psi(everywhere)
WRITES: flux_x(interior) flux_y(interior) flux_z(interior)
WRITES: Aux_in_RHSof_A_Psi(interior)
WRITES: vtilde_xface(interior) vtilde_yface(interior) vtilde_zface(interior)
WRITES: a_xface(interior) a_yface(interior) a_zface(interior)
SYNC: Aux_in_RHSof_A_Psi
SYNC: flux_x flux_y flux_z
SYNC: vtilde_xface vtilde_yface vtilde_zface a_xface a_yface a_zface
} "Calculate the hydro fluxes"

SCHEDULE AsterX_SourceTerms IN AsterX_RHSGroup AFTER AsterX_Fluxes
Expand All @@ -191,10 +195,14 @@ SCHEDULE AsterX_RHS IN AsterX_RHSGroup AFTER AsterX_SourceTerms
READS: ADMBaseX::metric(everywhere) ADMBaseX::lapse(everywhere) ADMBaseX::shift(everywhere)
READS: HydroBaseX::vel(everywhere) HydroBaseX::press(everywhere)
READS: flux_x(everywhere) flux_y(everywhere) flux_z(everywhere)
READS: densrhs(everywhere) taurhs(everywhere) momrhs(everywhere)
READS: Psi(everywhere)
READS: Aux_in_RHSof_A_Psi(everywhere)
READS: dBx_stag(everywhere) dBy_stag(everywhere) dBz_stag(everywhere)
READS: vtilde_xface(everywhere) vtilde_yface(everywhere) vtilde_zface(everywhere)
READS: a_xface(everywhere) a_yface(everywhere) a_zface(everywhere)
WRITES: densrhs(interior) taurhs(interior) momrhs(interior)
WRITES: Avec_x_rhs(interior) Avec_y_rhs(interior) Avec_z_rhs(interior) Psi_rhs(interior)
SYNC: densrhs taurhs momrhs
Expand Down
51 changes: 34 additions & 17 deletions AsterX/src/con2prim.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,28 +55,45 @@ void AsterX_Con2Prim_typeEoS(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSIDType &eos_cold,

const smat<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, 3> gf_g{gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz};

// Setting up atmosphere
const CCTK_REAL rho_atmo_cut = rho_abs_min * (1 + atmo_tol);
const CCTK_REAL gm1 = eos_cold.gm1_from_valid_rmd(rho_abs_min);
CCTK_REAL eps_atm = eos_cold.sed_from_valid_gm1(gm1);
eps_atm = std::min(std::max(eos_th.rgeps.min, eps_atm), eos_th.rgeps.max);
const CCTK_REAL p_atm =
eos_th.press_from_valid_rho_eps_ye(rho_abs_min, eps_atm, Ye_atmo);
atmosphere atmo(rho_abs_min, eps_atm, Ye_atmo, p_atm, rho_atmo_cut);

// Construct Noble c2p object:
c2p_2DNoble c2p_Noble(eos_th, atmo, max_iter, c2p_tol, rho_strict, vw_lim,
B_lim, Ye_lenient);

// Construct Palenzuela c2p object:
c2p_1DPalenzuela c2p_Pal(eos_th, atmo, max_iter, c2p_tol, rho_strict, vw_lim,
B_lim, Ye_lenient);

// Loop over the interior of the grid
1, 1, 1>(grid.nghostzones, [=] CCTK_DEVICE(
const PointDesc
// Setting up atmosphere
CCTK_REAL rho_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL press_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL eps_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL radial_distance = sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z);

// Grading rho
rho_atm = (radial_distance > r_atmo)
? (rho_abs_min * pow((r_atmo / radial_distance), n_rho_atmo))
: rho_abs_min;
const CCTK_REAL rho_atmo_cut = rho_atm * (1 + atmo_tol);

// Grading pressure based on either cold or thermal EOS
if (thermal_eos_atmo) {
press_atm = (radial_distance > r_atmo)
? (p_atmo * pow(r_atmo / radial_distance, n_press_atmo))
: p_atmo;
eps_atm = eos_th.eps_from_valid_rho_press_ye(rho_atm, press_atm, Ye_atmo);
} else {
const CCTK_REAL gm1 = eos_cold.gm1_from_valid_rmd(rho_atm);
eps_atm = eos_cold.sed_from_valid_gm1(gm1);
eps_atm = std::min(std::max(eos_th.rgeps.min, eps_atm), eos_th.rgeps.max);
press_atm = eos_th.press_from_valid_rho_eps_ye(rho_atm, eps_atm, Ye_atmo);
atmosphere atmo(rho_atm, eps_atm, Ye_atmo, press_atm, rho_atmo_cut);

// Construct Noble c2p object:
c2p_2DNoble c2p_Noble(eos_th, atmo, max_iter, c2p_tol, rho_strict, vw_lim,
B_lim, Ye_lenient);

// Construct Palenzuela c2p object:
c2p_1DPalenzuela c2p_Pal(eos_th, atmo, max_iter, c2p_tol, rho_strict,
vw_lim, B_lim, Ye_lenient);

/* Get covariant metric */
const smat<CCTK_REAL, 3> glo(
[&](int i, int j) ARITH_INLINE { return calc_avg_v2c(gf_g(i, j), p); });
Expand Down
74 changes: 47 additions & 27 deletions AsterX/src/con2prim_rpa.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,37 +25,57 @@ extern "C" void AsterX_Con2Prim(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {

const smat<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, 3> gf_g{gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz};

// Setting up initial data EOS
const CCTK_REAL n = 1 / (poly_gamma - 1); // Polytropic index
const CCTK_REAL adiab_ind_id = 1.0 / (poly_gamma - 1);
const CCTK_REAL rmd_p = pow(poly_k, -n); //Polytropic density scale
const auto eos_id = make_eos_barotr_poly(adiab_ind_id, rmd_p, rho_max);

// Setting up evolution EOS
const CCTK_REAL adiab_ind_evol = 1.0 / (gl_gamma - 1);
const auto eos = make_eos_idealgas(adiab_ind_evol, eps_max, rho_max);

// Setting up atmosphere
const CCTK_REAL rho_atmo_cut = rho_abs_min * (1 + atmo_tol);
CCTK_REAL eps_atm = eos_id.at_rho(rho_abs_min).eps();
eps_atm = eos.range_eps(rho_abs_min, Ye_atmo).limit_to(eps_atm);
CCTK_REAL p_atm = eos.at_rho_eps_ye(rho_abs_min, eps_atm, Ye_atmo).press();
const atmosphere atmo(rho_abs_min, eps_atm, Ye_atmo, p_atm, rho_atmo_cut);

CCTK_REAL dummy_Ye = 0.5;
CCTK_REAL dummy_dYe = 0.5;

// Get a recovery function
con2prim_mhd cv2pv(eos, 1e-5, 1, 100, 100, atmo, 1e-8, 100);
// con2prim_mhd cv2pv(eos, rho_strict, ye_lenient, max_z, max_b, atmo,
// c2p_acc,
// max_iter);

// Loop over the interior of the grid
1, 1, 1>(grid.nghostzones, [=] CCTK_DEVICE(
const PointDesc
// Setting up initial data EOS
const CCTK_REAL n = 1 / (poly_gamma - 1); // Polytropic index
const CCTK_REAL adiab_ind_id = 1.0 / (poly_gamma - 1);
const CCTK_REAL rmd_p = pow(poly_k, -n); // Polytropic density scale
const auto eos_id = make_eos_barotr_poly(adiab_ind_id, rmd_p, rho_max);

// Setting up evolution EOS
const CCTK_REAL adiab_ind_evol = 1.0 / (gl_gamma - 1);
const auto eos = make_eos_idealgas(adiab_ind_evol, eps_max, rho_max);

// Setting up atmosphere

CCTK_REAL rho_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL press_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL eps_atm = 0.0; // dummy initialization
CCTK_REAL radial_distance = sqrt(p.x * p.x + p.y * p.y + p.z * p.z);

// Grading rho
rho_atm = (radial_distance > r_atmo)
? (rho_abs_min * pow((r_atmo / radial_distance), n_rho_atmo))
: rho_abs_min;
const CCTK_REAL rho_atmo_cut = rho_atm * (1 + atmo_tol);

// Grading pressure and eps
if (thermal_eos_atmo) {
press_atm = (radial_distance > r_atmo)
? (p_atmo * pow(r_atmo / radial_distance, n_press_atmo))
: p_atmo;
//TODO: eos.at_rho_press_ye(rho_atm, press_atm, Ye_atmo).eps() does not exist in RePrimAnd
//Currently computing eps from ideal gas EOS
//eps_atm = eos.at_rho_press_ye(rho_atm, press_atm, Ye_atmo).eps();
eps_atm = press_atm/(rho_atm*(gl_gamma - 1.));
} else {
eps_atm = eos_id.at_rho(rho_atm).eps();
eps_atm = eos.range_eps(rho_atm, Ye_atmo).limit_to(eps_atm);
press_atm = eos.at_rho_eps_ye(rho_atm, eps_atm, Ye_atmo).press();
const atmosphere atmo(rho_atm, eps_atm, Ye_atmo, press_atm, rho_atmo_cut);

CCTK_REAL dummy_Ye = 0.5;
CCTK_REAL dummy_dYe = 0.5;

// Get a recovery function
con2prim_mhd cv2pv(eos, rho_strict, Ye_lenient, vw_lim, B_lim, atmo, c2p_tol,

/* Get covariant metric */
const smat<CCTK_REAL, 3> glo(
[&](int i, int j) ARITH_INLINE { return calc_avg_v2c(gf_g(i, j), p); });
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,7 +137,7 @@ extern "C" void AsterX_Con2Prim(CCTK_ARGUMENTS) {
// velz(p.I), Bvecx(p.I), Bvecy(p.I), Bvecz(p.I),
Avec_x(p.I), Avec_y(p.I), Avec_z(p.I));
//set to atmo
// set to atmo
cv.bcons(0) = dBx(p.I);
cv.bcons(1) = dBy(p.I);
cv.bcons(2) = dBz(p.I);
Expand Down
61 changes: 57 additions & 4 deletions AsterX/src/fluxes.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,16 @@ void CalcFlux(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSType &eos_th) {
/* grid functions */
const vec<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, dim> gf_vels{velx, vely, velz};
const vec<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, dim> gf_Bvecs{Bvecx, Bvecy, Bvecz};
const vec<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, dim> gf_dBstags{dBx_stag, dBy_stag, dBz_stag};
const vec<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, dim> gf_beta{betax, betay, betaz};
const smat<GF3D2<const CCTK_REAL>, dim> gf_g{gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz};
/* grid functions for Upwind CT */
const vec<GF3D2<CCTK_REAL>, dim> vtildes_one{vtilde_y_xface, vtilde_z_yface,
const vec<GF3D2<CCTK_REAL>, dim> vtildes_two{vtilde_z_xface, vtilde_x_yface,
const vec<GF3D2<CCTK_REAL>, dim> amax{amax_xface, amax_yface, amax_zface};
const vec<GF3D2<CCTK_REAL>, dim> amin{amin_xface, amin_yface, amin_zface};

static_assert(dir >= 0 && dir < 3, "");

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -156,6 +164,10 @@ void CalcFlux(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSType &eos_th) {
constexpr array<int, dim> face_centred = {!(dir == 0), !(dir == 1),
!(dir == 2)};

constexpr array<int, dim> dir_arr = {(dir==0) ? 2 : ( (dir==1) ? 0 : 1 ),
(dir==0) ? 1 : ( (dir==1) ? 2 : 0 )};

face_centred[0], face_centred[1],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,10 +206,6 @@ void CalcFlux(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSType &eos_th) {
eos_th.press_from_valid_rho_eps_ye(rho_rc(1), eps_min, ye_rc(1));

const vec<vec<CCTK_REAL, 2>, 3> Bs_rc([&](int i) ARITH_INLINE {
return vec<CCTK_REAL, 2>{reconstruct_pt(gf_Bvecs(i), p, false, false)};

/* Interpolate metric components from vertices to faces */
const CCTK_REAL alp_avg = calc_avg_v2f(alp, p, dir);
const vec<CCTK_REAL, 3> betas_avg(
Expand All @@ -222,6 +230,26 @@ void CalcFlux(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSType &eos_th) {
return 1 / sqrt(1 - calc_contraction(vlows_rc, vels_rc)(f));

// Introduce reconstructed Bs
// Use staggered dB for i == dir

vec<vec<CCTK_REAL, 2>, 3> Bs_rc;
array<CCTK_REAL,2> Bs_rc_dummy; // note: can't copy array<,2> to vec<,2>, only construct

Bs_rc(dir)(0) = gf_dBstags(dir)(p.I)/sqrtg;
Bs_rc(dir)(1) = Bs_rc(dir)(0);

Bs_rc_dummy = reconstruct_pt(gf_Bvecs(dir_arr[0]), p, false, false);
Bs_rc(dir_arr[0])(0) = Bs_rc_dummy[0];
Bs_rc(dir_arr[0])(1) = Bs_rc_dummy[1];

Bs_rc_dummy = reconstruct_pt(gf_Bvecs(dir_arr[2]), p, false, false);
Bs_rc(dir_arr[2])(0) = Bs_rc_dummy[0];
Bs_rc(dir_arr[2])(1) = Bs_rc_dummy[1];

// End of setting Bs

/* alpha * b0 = W * B^i * v_i */
const vec<CCTK_REAL, 2> alp_b0_rc([&](int f) ARITH_INLINE {
return w_lorentz_rc(f) * calc_contraction(Bs_rc, vlows_rc)(f);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -449,6 +477,31 @@ void CalcFlux(CCTK_ARGUMENTS, EOSType &eos_th) {
printf(" vtilde_rc = %16.8e, %16.8e.\n", vtilde_rc(0), vtilde_rc(1));

/* Begin code for upwindCT */
// if dir==0: dir1=1, dir2=2 | dir==1: dir1=2, dir2=0 | dir==2; dir1=0,
// dir2=1

const int dir1 = (dir == 0) ? 1 : ((dir == 1) ? 2 : 0);
const int dir2 = (dir == 0) ? 2 : ((dir == 1) ? 0 : 1);

amax(dir)(p.I) = max({CCTK_REAL(0), lambda(0)(0), lambda(0)(1),
lambda(0)(2), lambda(0)(3), lambda(1)(0),
lambda(1)(1), lambda(1)(2), lambda(1)(3)});

amin(dir)(p.I) = -1 * (min({CCTK_REAL(0), lambda(0)(0), lambda(0)(1),
lambda(0)(2), lambda(0)(3), lambda(1)(0),
lambda(1)(1), lambda(1)(2), lambda(1)(3)}));

vtildes_one(dir)(p.I) = (amax(dir)(p.I) * vtildes_rc(dir1)(0) +
amin(dir)(p.I) * vtildes_rc(dir1)(1)) /
(amax(dir)(p.I) + amin(dir)(p.I));
vtildes_two(dir)(p.I) = (amax(dir)(p.I) * vtildes_rc(dir2)(0) +
amin(dir)(p.I) * vtildes_rc(dir2)(1)) /
(amax(dir)(p.I) + amin(dir)(p.I));

/* End code for upwindCT */


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