@mainpage ELEC 331 Programming Assignment 3
@author Jayden Sahl (jaydensahl) @author Yousaf Nazari (yousafnazari)
Status of the project:
- Calculates the link utilization rate and writes it to "output.txt" based on the input parameters provided by the input file
How to run:
Method 1:
- in a WSL program, 'make' binaries
- from src folder, run ./csma inputFileName
- inputFileName is named according to the input file provided
Method 2 (using VS Code terminal):
- in VS Code open a new terminal
- navigate to src folder
- compile by entering the following command in terminal: 'gcc -o csma csma.c'
- run the csma.c file using the following command while still in the src directory: './csma inputfilename'
To run test functions:
- simply uncomment test function calls in main and perform the same steps above in 'How to run'