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Francis ANDRE edited this page Apr 11, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the javacc-8 wiki!

How-to: Releasing a JavaCC-8 module

This chapter explains the prerequirments and the steps for releasing a JavaCC-8 module, be either core, java, cpp, csharp, js or javacc.

First of all, one needs to define a PGP keys as described there: The Maven Central store is requiring that all published artifacts be signed with PGP. So, that's a mandatory step and your PGP public key must be deployed on a standard PGP server before anything.

Once done, one should add to the personnal settings.xml the following elements


as well as adding those profiles


All detailled information can be found there:

Once done, one can release a module using the maven-release-plugin

  1. start the ssh agent on Windows: start-ssh-agent on linux: ???
  2. cd <the module directory>
  3. mvn -P release release:prepare
  4. mvn -P release release:perform

In case of some errors happen on step 3 or 4, run: mvn -P release release:rollback, correct the errors and restart at step 3

Useful links: maven-release-plugin

Good luck!

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