This is an API for Schiphol were you can get different data from Schiphol
All flights data you can use the
Specific flights based on airlineId
where AF is the airlineId
All the airports data
All the airports data within a certain distance (km/mi) for kilometer or miles
where 100 is the amount and km can be (km or mi) for kilometers or miles
Specific airport based on id
where AMS can be any airport id
All airlines that are flying from schiphol sorted by totalDistance
All airlines that are flying from schiphol within a certain area (km or mi)
where 100 is the amount and km can be (km or mi) for kilometers or miles
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd impalatest
To install all the dependencies and start the server run
docker-compose up
or if you prefer to run without docker
pip install requirements.txt
Tests can be run 2 different ways.
- make sure you have requirements installed then locally run
- from within a docker container
docker-compose run test