Much thanks to the excellent open-source desktop widget platform Üebersicht that Felix Hageloh has created.
I really like the presentation that Felix came up with for his widgets but I found with many of my brighter desktop pictures the text was difficult to read. I've remastering these along with Daniel Barca's CPU Meter and borrowed the background/title style of Coby Chapple's Memory Bar to create this set of my personal favourite sysmon stats.
I may add to these as I find (or learn to create) my favoured options for IP (nothing so far that shows Public/Local addresses), disk usage and others.
Would not be possible without this fine desktop widget platform:
- Üebersicht - Felix Hageloh
A big thank you also to the various authors of these combined widgets:
- CPU Meter - Daniel Barca
- Top CPU - Felix Hageloh
- Memory Bar - Coby Chapple
- Top MEM - Felix Hageloh
Thanks for checking this out, hope it's useful to someone else!