- Ecommerce website with the Product detail, Cart, Sign in, Sign up, and Payment page having responsive web design.
- Security enhanced by password hashing using becrypt.
- Search, sort, and filter products functionality implemented.
- Feature added to edit user details and display order history.
- Integrated the PayPal payment gateway for secure online transactions.
Link: https://mern-ecommerce-jashan.herokuapp.com/
Client: React JS, HTML, CSS, MongoDB
Server: Node, Express
Setup MongoDB
- Local MongoDB
- Install it from here
- Create .env file in root folder
- Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb://localhost/mycart
- Atlas Cloud MongoDB
- Create database at https://cloud.mongodb.com
- Create .env file in root folder
- Set MONGODB_URL=mongodb+srv://your-db-connection
Clone Repo
$ git clone https://github.com/jashanwarraich/MyCart.git
$ cd MyCart
Run Frontend
$ cd frontend
$ npm install
$ npm start
Run Backend
$ npm install
$ npm start