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The output of PostgreSQL node tree is very long and hard for the developer to investigate. The pg_node2graph converts the output of the PostgreSQL node tree into png formatted picture, which is quite convenient for developing or debugging purposes.

pg_node2graph comes from pgNodeGraph. It is rewritten using C++, and contains the following features:

  • Improves the layout of list nodes.
  • Support customize node colors.



You can use the following commands to install pg_node2graph.

$ git clone
$ cd pg_node2graph
$ make
$ sudo make install

Run sudo make uninstall or sudo rm /usr/local/bin/pg_node2graph to uninstall pg_node2graph.

We can also use meson to compile pg_node2graph use the following commands.

$ git clone
$ cd pg_node2graph
$ meson setup build
$ cd build
$ meson compile
$ sudo meson install


Firstly, we can use the following SQL to create a new table:

CREATE TABLE class(id int, name text, students int);
postgres=# \d class
                Table "public.class"
  Column  |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default
 id       | integer |           |          |
 name     | text    |           |          |
 students | integer |           |          |

Secondly, make sure PostgreSQL print the parse node tree and plan node tree.

postgres=# set debug_print_parse = on;
postgres=# set debug_print_plan = on;
postgres=# set debug_pretty_print = on;

Then, let's execute the following SQL to fetch the records of class table:

postgres=# SELECT * FROM class;

The PostgreSQL server will print the parse node tree and plan node tree in the log. According to the type of queries, the output might be thousands line. Here is an example.

2022-08-28 07:37:51.841 CST [22278] DETAIL:     {PLANNEDSTMT
           :commandType 1
           :queryId 0
           :hasReturning false
           :hasModifyingCTE false
           :canSetTag true
           :transientPlan false
           :dependsOnRole false
           :parallelModeNeeded false
           :jitFlags 0
              :startup_cost 0.00
              :total_cost 22.00
              :plan_rows 1200
              :plan_width 40
              :parallel_aware false
              :parallel_safe true
              :async_capable false
              :plan_node_id 0
              :targetlist (
                    :varno 1
                    :varattno 1
                    :vartype 23
                    :vartypmod -1
                    :varcollid 0
                    :varlevelsup 0
                    :varnosyn 1
                    :varattnosyn 1
                    :location 7
                 :resno 1
                 :resname id
                 :ressortgroupref 0
                 :resorigtbl 16394
                 :resorigcol 1
                 :resjunk false
                    :varno 1
                    :varattno 2
                    :vartype 25
                    :vartypmod -1
                    :varcollid 100
                    :varlevelsup 0
                    :varnosyn 1
                    :varattnosyn 2
                    :location 7
                 :resno 2
                 :resname name
                 :ressortgroupref 0
                 :resorigtbl 16394
                 :resorigcol 2
                 :resjunk false
                    :varno 1
                    :varattno 3
                    :vartype 23
                    :vartypmod -1
                    :varcollid 0
                    :varlevelsup 0
                    :varnosyn 1
                    :varattnosyn 3
                    :location 7
                 :resno 3
                 :resname students
                 :ressortgroupref 0
                 :resorigtbl 16394
                 :resorigcol 3
                 :resjunk false
              :qual <>
              :lefttree <>
              :righttree <>
              :initPlan <>
              :extParam (b)
              :allParam (b)
              :allParam (b)
              :scanrelid 1
           :rtable (
              :alias <>
                 :aliasname class
                 :colnames ("id" "name" "students")
              :rtekind 0
              :relid 16394
              :relkind r
              :rellockmode 1
              :tablesample <>
              :lateral false
              :inh false
              :inFromCl true
              :requiredPerms 2
              :checkAsUser 0
              :selectedCols (b 8 9 10)
              :insertedCols (b)
              :updatedCols (b)
              :extraUpdatedCols (b)
              :securityQuals <>
           :resultRelations <>
           :appendRelations <>
           :subplans <>
           :rewindPlanIDs (b)
           :rowMarks <>
           :relationOids (o 16394)
           :invalItems <>
           :paramExecTypes <>
           :utilityStmt <>
           :stmt_location 0
           :stmt_len 19

The node tree printed by PostgreSQL, as you have seen, is hard for developers or users to read it. If we convert it to a picture, it will be more readable. Let me show you how to use pg_node2graph to convert the node tree to a picture format.

  1. Copy and paste the node tree in text form.

  2. Save it into a file, such as nodes/example1.node.

  3. Run pg_node2graph.

    $ ./pg_node2graph nodes/example1.node
    processing "nodes/example1.node" ... ok

    Now, you can see the nodes directory contains a file named example1.node.png, which is our picture converted from the PostgreSQL node tree.

Customize Colors

You can customize the node's color by providing a configuration file. A comment in pg_node2graph configuration file starts with a hashtag symbol and lasts till the end of the line.

The color mapping contains three parts, separated by commas:

  • node name
  • background and border color
  • font color for the first record in a node

For example, save the following into

PLANNEDSTMT, teal, pink
QUERY, webmaroon, red
RTE, salmon
SEQSCAN, webpurple, white
TARGETENTRY, springgreen
VAR, orchid, whitesmoke
ALIAS, tan

The above settings will change the color for QUERY, PLANNEDSTMT, TARGETENTRY, SEQSCAN, VAR, ALIAS and RTE nodes.

Then, run the following command:

$ ./pg_node2graph -c -n nodes/example1.node
processing "nodes/example1.node" ... ok

Here is the output.

For more color names, see here.


Convert a PostgreSQL node tree into picture.






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