Presentation and analysis code associated with initial GEM Proof-of-Concept experiments.
If using anything from this repository, please cite:
Fink, L.K., Alexander, P.C., & Janata, P. (2022). The Groove Enhancement Machine (GEM): A multi-person adaptive metronome to manipulate sensorimotor synchronization and subjective enjoyment. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 16:916551. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.916551
Contains the experiment manager files associated with experiments 1-5 of the paper.
- Exp. 1:
- Exp. 2:
- Exp. 3:
- Exp. 4:
- Exp. 5:
Note that the code to create the GEM system is in a separate repository: That code needs to be installed before these scripts can function. These files are provided here for completeness and as examples. If running GEM experiments yourself, experiment management scripts such as these should be placed in the GUI folder of the GEM repository. Please see the GEM repository for more details.
Contains all data necessary to recreate the statistical analyses reported in the paper.
contains all one player tapping data (Exps. 1 & 2)four_all.csv
contains all four player tapping data (Exps. 3-5)four_all_wAllIndDiffs_long.csv
contains data for individual players w/in the group experiments (Exps. 3-5)
Contains all code necessary to recreate the statistical analyses and related figures presented in the paper.
- The power analysis conducted prior to data collection:
- General functions to facilitate analyses:
- The Jupyter notebook that steps through all tapping data analyses:
- The Jupyter notebook that steps through all subjective experience data analyses:
- The R notebook that steps through all individual differences analyses: