Asmbl Frontend
- Download NodeJS here
- Download Watchman here
- Install Expo App on smartphone
- Install Expo through terminal (see expo documentation here)
npm install
npm install --global expo-cli
- Test to see if Expo install worked
expo whoami
- Login to expo
expo login
- Start running
expo start
- App.js:
- Contains the basic stack navigation for the app
- assets/images:
- All the relevant svg files, e.g. waves, logos, progress bars
- src/components:
- Some additional svg's that needed to be put into components
- Modals
- src/screens:
- All main screens of the app
- src/styles:
- Stylesheets for forms, buttons, modals, etc.
- Screen resizing for different sized phones (also making phone portrait mode)
- Text size doesn't change with aspect ratio
- ScrollView component rarely fits content size appropriately
- Checkboxes on iOS in React Native
- Converting to Android
- src/screens/landingPage.js:
- Screen transition should fade, not slide; shouldn't allow user to swipe back
- src/screens/signUpScreen.js:
- Need to set up email confirmation
- src/screens/verifyAccountScreen.js:
- Set up backend code verification
- src/screens/communityGuidelines.js:
- Checkbox not working; find an alternative for iOS with React Native
- src/screens/buildProfileForm:
- Form navigation between steps is not working
- src/components/ResetPasswordModal.js:
- Backdrop opacity option doesn't work (possibly due to container size)
option doesn't work (possibly due to container size)