In the middle of a DJ set and at a loss for what track to play next? Selektor can help.
Selektor will carefully analyze your music collection, and if you tell it what track you're currently playing, it will suggest a track for you to mix into. Basing its recommendation on features such as track BPM, timbre, key, and loudness, the app is a great tool for aspiring or beginner DJs to get to know their track collection and to hone their track selection skills!
This application requires Mac OS X 10.10 (Yosemite) or higher, and you must have Xcode 7 installed in order to build the project. To build, simply clone the repository, open Selektor.xcodeproj in Xcode and Build (command+B) or Run (command+R) the project to compile the code and build the application.
All dependencies are contained within the Selektor/Dependencies directory - no additional installation of dependencies is required.
Important application files and directories are specified and described in the tree below.
├── Selektor
│ ├── AppDelegate.swift # Contains app initialization and setup logic.
│ ├── DataController.swift # Defines a class that acts as a mediator between the application and the Core Data store.
│ ├── GrandSelektor.swift # Contains next-track selection functionality.
│ ├── MetadataParser.swift # Parses metadata tags from user-supplied tracks and stores the metadata in track object properties.
│ ├── Settings.plist # Contains build-time configuration parameters, such as selection algorithm specification.
│ ├── Transformers.swift # Value transformer helpers for the GUI.
│ ├── ViewController.swift # The main point of contact and interaction between the UI and the data model.
│ ├── Base.lproj
│ │ └── Main.storyboard # Contains the GUI specification.
│ ├── Dependencies
│ │ ├── ffmpeg # Used to convert non-PCM-encoded tracks to WAV.
│ │ ├── ffmpeg_src # Supplied alongside ffmpeg binaries as per GPLv3.
│ │ └── marsyas # Used for audio feature extraction.
│ ├── Models
│ │ ├── SelektorObject.swift # Base class that other model objects subclass.
│ │ ├── TimbreVectorEntity.swift # Represents a single 16-dimensional timbre vector.
│ │ └── TrackEntity.swift # Represents a single track or song.
│ ├── Extensions # Useful extensions of primitive and AVFoundation types.
│ │ ├── SelektorAVMetadataItem.swift
│ │ └── SelektorArray.swift
│ └── Selektor.xcdatamodeld # Contains the data model specification.
├── SelektorTests
│ └── SelektorTests.swift # Contains unit tests.
This application's code is governed by the GNU General Public License version 3 (GPLv3). You are free to use and modify it subject to the terms in the license. See the LICENSE document for further details.