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prov/efa: Add read nack protocol docs
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Signed-off-by: Sai Sunku <[email protected]>
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sunkuamzn authored and shijin-aws committed Nov 7, 2023
1 parent 2e87c24 commit 9b0f450
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47 changes: 47 additions & 0 deletions prov/efa/docs/
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Expand Up @@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ Table: 1.2 A list of packet type IDs
| 8 | `ATOMRSP` | ATOMic ResSPonse | non-REQ | emulated write/fetch/compare atomic |
| 9 | `HANDSHAKE` | Handshake | non-REQ | handshake |
| 10 | `RECEIPT` | Receipt | non-REQ | delivery complete (DC) |
| 11 | `READ_NACK` | Read Nack packet | non-REQ | Long read and runting read nack protocols |
| 64 | `EAGER_MSGRTM` | Eager non-tagged Request To Message | REQ | eager message |
| 65 | `EAGER_TAGRTM` | Eager tagged Request To Message | REQ | eager message |
| 66 | `MEDIUM_MSGRTM` | Medium non-tagged Request To Message | REQ | medium message |
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,6 +321,7 @@ Table: 2.1 a list of extra features/requests
| 3 | sender connection id in packet header | extra request | libfabric 1.14.0 | Section 4.4 |
| 4 | runting read message protocol | extra feature | libfabric 1.16.0 | Section 4.5 |
| 5 | RDMA-Write based data transfer | extra feature | libfabric 1.18.0 | Section 4.6 |
| 6 | Read nack packets | extra feature | libfabric 1.20.0 | Section 4.7 |

How does protocol v4 maintain backward compatibility when extra features/requests are introduced?

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,6 +746,8 @@ LONGCTS_RTM, CTS and CTSDATA.

A LONGCTS_RTM packet, like any REQ packet, consists of 3 parts:
LONGCTS RTM mandatory header, REQ optional header, and application data.
A LONGCTS_RTM packet sent as part of the read nack protcol (Section 4.7)
does not contain any application data.

The format of the LONGCTS_RTM mandatory header is listed in table 3.5:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1490,6 +1494,49 @@ in order to support CQ entry generation in case the sender uses

### 4.7 Long read and runting read nack protocol

Long read and runting read protocols in Libfabric 1.20 and above use a nack protocol
when the receiver is unable to register a memory region for the RDMA read operation.
Failure to register the memory region is typically because of a hardware limitation.

Table: 4.2 Format of the READ_NACK packet

| Name | Length (bytes) | Type | C language type | Notes |
| `type` | 1 | integer | `uint8_t` | part of base header |
| `version` | 1 | integer | `uint8_t` | part of base header|
| `flags` | 2 | integer | `uint16_t` | part of base header |
| `send_id` | 4 | integer | `uint32_t` | ID of the send operation |
| `recv_id` | 4 | integer | `uint32_t` | ID of the receive operation |
| `multiuse(connid/padding)` | 4 | integer | `uint32_t` | `connid` if CONNID_HDR is set, otherwise `padding` |

The nack protocols work as follows
* Sender has decided to use the long read or runting read protocol
* The receiver receives the RTM packet(s)
- One LONGREAD_RTM packet in case of long read protocol
- Multiple RUNTREAD_RTM packets in case of runting read protocol
* The receiver attempts to register a memory region for the RDMA operation but fails
* After all RTM packets have been processed, the receiver sends a READ_NACK packet to the sender
* The sender then switches to the long CTS protocol and sends a LONGCTS_RTM packet
* The receiver sends a CTS packet and the data transfer continues as in the long CTS protocol

The LONGCTS_RTM packet sent in the nack protocol does not contain any application data.
This difference is because the LONGCTS_RTM packet does not have a `seg_offset` field.
While the LONGREAD_RTM packet does not contain any application data, the RUNTREAD_RTM
packets do. So if the LONGCTS_RTM data were to contain application data, it must have a
non-zero `seg_offset` to account for the data sent in the RUNTREAD_RTM packets. Instead
of introducing a `seg_offset` field to LONGCTS_RTM packet, the nack protcol simply
doesn't send any data in the LONGCTS_RTM packet.

The workflow for long read protocol is shown below

![long-read fallback](message_longread_fallback.png)

The workflow for runting read protocol is shown below

![long-read fallback](message_runtread_fallback.png)

## 5. What's not covered?

The purpose of this document is to define the communication protocol. Therefore, it is intentionally written
Expand Down
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions prov/efa/docs/message_longread_fallback.drawio
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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
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