Please note 1: This is not an official Elastic APM agent, the PHP APM agent is a community developed agent. Please note 2: This is a forked repository from original repo. But I've modified too many things so I can not create PR to merge it back :). Anyway, thank to @philkra.
This is a PHP agent for's APM product: It's working on v2 APM' apis only.
The recommended way to install the agent is through Composer.
Run the following composer command
php composer.phar require ivoglent/elastic-apm-php-agent
After installing, you need to require Composer's autoloader:
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
'name' => 'Service Name',
'secretToken' => 'APM api token',
'transport' => [
'host' => 'APM server host',
'config' => [
'base_uri' => 'base URL to APM server',
'framework' => [
'name' => 'Framework Name',
'version' => 'Framework version',
$contexts = [
'user' => [
'id' => 'USER_ID',
'username' => 'USER_NAME',
'email' => 'EMAIL'
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent($config, $contexts);
The agent can capture all types or errors and exceptions that are implemented from the interface Throwable
$error = $agent->factory()->newError(new \Exception());
Addings spans ( is easy. Please consult the documentation for your exact needs. Below is an example for adding a MySQL span.
//Create APM agent
$agent = new \PhilKra\Agent($config, $contexts);
//Create new transaction
$transaction = $agent->factory()->newTransaction($transactionName, $transactionType);
//Start current transaction
//Create new span
$span = $agent->factory()->newSpan($spanName, $spanType, $spanAction);
//Start span
//Add sql context to span
$context = new \PhilKra\Traces\SpanContexts\SpanContext();
$context->statement = 'SQL Query String';
$trace->addContext('db', $context);
//Stop span
//Register span to agent
//Stop transaction
//Register transaction to agent
//Send all data to APM server
In case you want to disable the agent dynamically for hybrid SAPI usage, please use the following snippet.
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli'
In case for the Laravel APM provider:
'active' => PHP_SAPI !== 'cli' && env('ELASTIC_APM_ACTIVE', false)
Thank you to @jblotus, (philkra/elastic-apm-laravel#19)