This repository provides the software that goes with the publication Counting Statistics of Actively Quenched SPADs Under Continuous Illumination. It simulates the counting behavior of single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs). Recovery time, afterpulsing and twilight pulsing are covered. Two commented programs are provided along with the necessary afterpulsing distributions.
If you have any questions or feedback, do not hesitate to contact me through the corresponding author's address or opening an issue here.
Ivo Straka
ResearcherID V-2610-2017
ORCID 0000-0003-2675-6335
Mean rate calculation implemented as a simple example written in Python. Numpy and SciPy are required.
A full simulation of counting behavior written in C. The output is counting statistics - the histogram of the number of detections per a 10-microsecond window. It assumes GCC with standard libraries; see headers. Makefile compilation is set to conventional compiling-machine-specific optimization.