FlexSelect is a small app for the Django Admin that makes it trivial to have foreign keys depend on each other. By depend I mean that choices and additional content of one field updates dynamically when another is changed.
See the video at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooii3iCTZ6o.
In the following we will define a Case model with two foreign key fields, a
base field client
and a trigger field company_contact_person
. When we
change the client on the Case change view the company_contact_person updates
accordingly. Furthermore we will display the customer_contact_persons company
and email as additional details.
In "models.py":
from django.db import models as m
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
No changes to the models are needed to use flexselect.
class Company(m.Model):
name = m.CharField(max_length=80)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
class CompanyContactPerson(m.Model):
company = m.ForeignKey(Company)
name = m.CharField(max_length=80)
email = m.EmailField()
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
class Client(m.Model):
company = m.ForeignKey(Company)
name = m.CharField(max_length=80)
def __unicode__(self):
return self.name
class Case(m.Model):
client = m.ForeignKey(Client)
company_contact_person = m.ForeignKey(CompanyContactPerson)
def clean(self):
Makes sure the company for client is the same as the company for the
customer contact person. Note that you need to check for `None` too
if the fields are not required.
if not self.client.company == self.company_contact_person.company:
raise ValidationError('The clients and the contacts company does'
' not match.')
def __unicode__(self):
return u'Case: %d' % self.id
In "admin.py":
from django.contrib import admin
from flexselect import FlexSelectWidget
from test_flexselect.tests.models import (Company, Case, Client,
class CompanyContactPersonWidget(FlexSelectWidget):
The widget must extend FlexSelectWidget and implement trigger_fields,
details(), queryset() and empty_choices_text().
trigger_fields = ['client']
"""Fields which on change will update the base field."""
def details(self, base_field_instance, instance):
HTML appended to the base_field.
- base_field_instance: An instance of the base_field.
- instance: A partial instance of the parent model loaded from the
Returns a unicoded string.
return u"""\
""" % ('Company', base_field_instance.company,
'Email', base_field_instance.email,
def queryset(self, instance):
Returns the QuerySet populating the base field. If either of the
trigger_fields is None, this function will not be called.
- instance: A partial instance of the parent model loaded from the
company = instance.client.company
return CompanyContactPerson.objects.filter(company=company)
def empty_choices_text(self, instance):
If either of the trigger_fields is None this function will be called
to get the text for the empty choice in the select box of the base
- instance: A partial instance of the parent model loaded from the
return "Please update the client field"
class CaseAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
def formfield_for_foreignkey(self, db_field, request, **kwargs):
Alters the widget displayed for the base field.
if db_field.name == "company_contact_person":
kwargs['widget'] = CompanyContactPersonWidget(
kwargs['label'] = 'Contact'
return super(CaseAdmin, self).formfield_for_foreignkey(db_field,
request, **kwargs)
class ClientAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class CompanyContactPersonAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
class CompanyAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
admin.site.register(Case, CaseAdmin)
admin.site.register(Client, ClientAdmin)
admin.site.register(CompanyContactPerson, CompanyContactPersonAdmin)
admin.site.register(Company, CompanyAdmin)
sudo pip install django-admin-flexselect
in "settings.py". -
url(r'^flexselect/', include('flexselect.urls')),
to "urls.py".
As of yet, flexselect only have one configuration option, namely "include_jquery" that if set to true will include jQuery and jQueryUI from the google ajax CDN. It defaults to false and the entire FLEXSELECT dict can be omitted.
# Flexselect settings.
'include_jquery': True,
FlexSelect requires "django.contrib.staticfiles" installed to work out of the box. If it is not then include "jQuery", "jQueryUI" and "flexselect/static/flexselect/js/flexselect.js" manually. Read more about "django.contrib.staticfiles" at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.3/ref/contrib/staticfiles/.
The test project is compatible with django 4.0 - 5.1.