This project allows you to contribute to the community through documentation, video tutorials, and projects while being incentivised. It use the Lens protocol (Social media graph) to achieve our objectives. We used the Lens protocol's Follow Module and Collect Module to monteitize our creator in best way possible.
Follow NFT is give to user who follow a profile. In our project we have added feeFollowModule which allows creators to earn money when someone follows. This module is optional for creators. If they want to add they have to specify amount they want to earn and address in which they would like to receive reward.
Collects allow creators to monetize their content. We have embbeded collect module in publication component so creator have an option to set a collect module when posting a publication. This module will allow other users to mint NFTs that link to the publication's ContentURI. This module is also optional.
All the publications posted by creators uploaded on IPFS.
- Home: This is the Main page of our project which link you to the uploading Documents, project and video tutorial page.
- Explore: This Page displays the all the contents posted by creators on our platform Decode .
- Profile Icons: It contain three components:
- My Profile: This page displays the profile data which includes(cover picture, profile picture, Bio, content,stats and the publications posted)
- Create Profile: This page allows you to create Profile. It also has optional follow module.
- Logout
- ReactJs
- GraphQl
- Apollo Client
In this page, you can clearly see we can add optional collect module to incentivise our content. Create have to add Document Name, Document Link, Image and conetnt to provide basic overview what's this Document is all about. All the specified field are mandatory.
In the collect module the default reward token is MATIC. Creator can speficy the amount and the address they want to recive the reward amount.
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ npm start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.