Console App for
Cek saldo rekening
List mutasi rekening
Composer install to install the dependency
composer install
Create .env by copying .env.example and rename to .env
cp .env.example .env
edit .env and set username and password with your klikbca account
Command format
php bca [command] [parameter]
Command | Description | Parameters |
cek-saldo | Cek saldo rekening | - |
mutasi | Cek mutasi rekening | -f [from], -t [to] |
list | Print available commands | - |
cek saldo example:
php bca cek-saldo
mutasi rekening (default : today) example:
php bca mutasi
mutasi rekening (with param from and to date) example:
php bca mutasi -f 2018-10-01 -t 2018-10-28