In this repository, I am gonna share study materials and projects related to Python, Machine Learning(ML), and Data Science(DS)
- Python (Programming language)
- Data Manipulation, Munging, Visualization, etc
- Numpy: A Python Library for Linear Algebra(specially)
- Scipy: A Python Library for Scientific Computation
- Pandas: An Extended Version of Excel and Inspired By "R" programming and mainly used for Data Manipulation, Munging, and sometime also used for Visualization.
- Matplotlib: A Visualization library of Python
- Seaborn: A Visualization Library of Python Built on top of Matplotlib
- Plotly & Cufflinks: It is mainly used for Interactive visualization online/offline(both)
- Machine Learning
- Supervised Learning
- Regression
- Classification
- Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
- Dimensionality Reduction
- Reinforcement Learning
- Scikit-Learn: A machine learning library written in python and used in Python
- Supervised Learning
- Deep Learning
- ANN(Artificial Neural Network)
- CNN(Convolutional Neural Network
- RNN(Recurrent Neural Network)
- Deep Learning Libraries
- Tensorflow (by Google)
- Keras: A DL(Deep Learning) framework
- Computer Vision (using Deep Learning)
- Image Blurring
- Edge detection
- Image rotation
- Image croping
- Face detection
- Image Classification
- Object Detection
- Object Tracking
- Object Segmentation
- Computer Vision Libraries: OpenCV, scikit-image, etc.
- etc.
- NLP(Natural Language processing)
- Sentiment Analysis
- Document Classification and Clustering
- Polarity of Reviews
- Machine Translation
- Chatbot Creation
- Image and Video Captioning using Computer Vision and Deep Learning
- next word recommendation(ex: in Google Search engine)
- Virtual Assistant like Alexa(by amazon), Siri(by Apple), Google Assistant(by Google), Cortana(by Microsoft)
- NLP Libraries in Python: NLTK, Textblob, Spacy, gensim, Word2Vec, etc
- etc.