theme: neutral
look: classic
flowchart TD
TargetOS["I target only one operating system"] -->|yes| Native["Native"]
TargetOS -->|no| LimitedBudget["I have a very limited budget"]
LimitedBudget -->|yes| CrossPlatformDependencies["Every dependency I will use has a cross platform implementation"]
LimitedBudget -->|no| PerformanceTuning["I want to fine-tune my application performance"]
PerformanceTuning -->|yes| CodebaseSharing["I am willing to learn an additional framework and complexify my codebase to share my domain and data layer"]
PerformanceTuning -->|no| NativeAPIUsage["My application will use many native APIs"]
CodebaseSharing -->|yes| DeveloperSkills["Developers are willing to work with Kotlin and Android Studio"]
CodebaseSharing -->|no| Native
DeveloperSkills -->|yes| UIFrameworkSharing["I am ready to use an additional beta framework to share at least part of my user interface between the targeted
operating systems"]
DeveloperSkills -->|no| Native
UIFrameworkSharing -->|yes| ComposeMultiplatform["Compose Multiplatform"]
UIFrameworkSharing -->|no| KotlinMultiplatform["Kotlin Multiplatform"]
NativeAPIUsage -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
NativeAPIUsage -->|no| LibraryReliance["I am opposed to rely on community-maintained libraries"]
LibraryReliance -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
LibraryReliance -->|no| OSAPIImplementation["I want to implement new operating system APIs as quickly as possible"]
OSAPIImplementation -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
OSAPIImplementation -->|no| AppResponsiveness["Application responsiveness is a competitive advantage"]
AppResponsiveness -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
AppResponsiveness -->|no| ListComplexity["The application displays many nested non standard elements in lists"]
ListComplexity -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
ListComplexity -->|no| UserExperienceOptimization["I want an operating system optimized user experience"]
UserExperienceOptimization -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
UserExperienceOptimization -->|no| TerminalFleetManagement["I manage my terminal fleet"]
TerminalFleetManagement -->|yes| TerminalSDKDependency["I depend on native software development kit provided by my terminals manufacturers"]
TerminalFleetManagement -->|no| TechnicalStackMaintenance["I want to ensure my technical stack will be maintained for the longest possible time"]
TerminalSDKDependency -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
TerminalSDKDependency -->|no| TechnicalStackMaintenance
TechnicalStackMaintenance -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
TechnicalStackMaintenance -->|no| CrossPlatformDependencies
CrossPlatformDependencies -->|yes| DesignCriticality["I want a dedicated UI engine that garantees a UI consistency across the targeted OS"]
CrossPlatformDependencies -->|no| NativeLibrarySkills["I have skills to develop my own native libraries"]
NativeLibrarySkills -->|yes| DesignCriticality
NativeLibrarySkills -->|no| LibraryCriticality["The aforementioned libraries are critical for my application"]
LibraryCriticality -->|yes| CodebaseSharing
LibraryCriticality -->|no| DesignCriticality
DesignCriticality -->|yes| Flutter["Flutter"]
DesignCriticality -->|no| LanguagePreference["I absolutely want to work with a statically typed language that enforces type soundness"]
LanguagePreference -->|yes| Flutter
LanguagePreference -->|no| EcosystemCapitalization["I absolutely want to capitalize on the Javascript and React ecosystem already present in my company"]
EcosystemCapitalization -->|yes| ReactNative["React Native"]
EcosystemCapitalization -->|no| DependencyUpgradeAvoidance["I want to avoid investing time in upgrading dependency clusters"]
DependencyUpgradeAvoidance -->|yes| Flutter
DependencyUpgradeAvoidance -->|no| ApplicationBootstrapping["I absolutely want to use a ready to use tool to bootstrap my application"]
ApplicationBootstrapping -->|yes| ReactNative
ApplicationBootstrapping -->|no| LearningEase["I want the cross platform framework that is easiest to become familiar with"]
LearningEase -->|yes| Flutter
LearningEase -->|no| WebEcosystemPreference["I like the web ecosystem"]
WebEcosystemPreference -->|yes| ReactNative
WebEcosystemPreference -->|no| Flutter
TargetOS@{ shape: circle}
Native@{ shape: terminal}
Flutter@{ shape: terminal}
ReactNative@{ shape: terminal}
KotlinMultiplatform@{ shape: terminal}
ComposeMultiplatform@{ shape: terminal}
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According to us, there are many keypoints that make crossplatform development risky. We like native apps, and most of all we like that our clients can be autonomous when they develop. We typically don't develop basic mobile apps without much complexity. We instead target mobile applications that may scale.
These apps require a well defined architecture and organization. To us, we have to avoid many traps that are typically not shown when we begin mobile development :-)