This repository contains workflow for snakeobjectsTutorial example. The directory structure is
. ├── ├── allDenovoCalls.txt ├── fastqs-small.txt ├── so_project.yaml └── workflow ├── ├── ├── env-bwa.yaml ├── env-pysam.yaml ├── environment.yml ├── fastq.snakefile ├── fastqSummary.snakefile ├── reference.snakefile ├── reference.snakefile~ ├── sample.snakefile ├── sampleSummary.snakefile ├── trio.snakefile └── trioSummary.snakefile - this file fastqs-small.txt - a subset of individuals for testing workflow so_project.yaml - configuration file for the project allDenovoCalls.txt - results of the run with fastqs-small.txt - a python script creating OG.json and workflow/Snakefile *.snakefile - snakefiles for different type objects in the project environment.yaml - is the global environment for the project env-pysam.yml - environment for individual rules in snakefile env-bwa.yml - environment for individual rules in snakefile
Installation and usage
Prerequisite: conda.
First, clone the repository to a local directory
git clone
After cloning repository type:
cd snakeobjectsTutorial conda env create -f workflow/environment.yml conda activate snakeobjectsTutorial
Familiarize yourself with sobjects commands by typing 'sobjects help'.
Typical sequence of command: sobjects describe sobjects prepare sobjects run []
More details of sobjects can be found in
content of the so_project.yaml:
default_snakemake_args: "--use-conda" inputDir: "" fastqDir: "" chrAllFile: "[PP:inputDir]/chrAll.fa" target: "[PP:inputDir]/targetRegions.bed" pedigree: "[PP:inputDir]/collection.ped"
fastqsFile: "[D:project]/fastqs-small.txt" #fastqsFile: "[PP:inputDir]/fastqs.txt"
The first line indicates that sobjects will run snakemake with --use-conda option, since some rules require software tools not included in the main environment.yaml
The next two lines specify location for the main input directory for the input data and subdirectory with fastq data files
chrAllFile variable stores the location of a fasta file. Since the fastq files are created for exome capture, the target variable stores bed file specifying exome regions. pedigree variable links sample ids with appropriate flowcells, lanes, and barcodes.
Running fastqs-small.txt subset of individuals takes about two minutes on mac bookAir. The full 100 families should take less than one hour.
When running on a fastqs-small.txt subset of individuals the file trioSummary/o/allDenovoCalls.txt should be identical to the file allDenovoCalls.txt
If you rerun the project, you first have to remove created directories. This can be done with 'sobjects cleanProject' It will ask you to remove .snakemake, OG.json, and all object directories. Type 'n' whan asked to remove .snakemake, since this directory contains newly created conda environment and recreating it will take an extra unnecessary time.