Pre-releaseThis release should resolve the false positives from malware scanners.
It's been tested on Windows and macOS, but not on Linux.
The launcher is now open-source
We've moved the source for the launcher to this repo.
We'll continue to do code signing privately, using the builds from this repo.
Python-less Installer
Previously, we used Nuitka to compile a python installer script into a portable binary. The python script was a simple wrapper around the portable uv
Unfortunately, Nuitka-compiled binaries trigger malware scanners like nobody's business, and the launcher kept getting quarantined on Windows.
This release ports the python script to Node.js, which should greatly reduce the number of false positives. It also offers a few indirect benefits:
- Simpler build process.
- Much faster build times.
- Better process management (no need to have the Nuitka-compiled binary between the electron app and
To install, overwrite your existing launcher with newly-downloaded file.
Downloads links are in the Assets section below.