small size evaluation and prototyping platform - yet another autonomous RC car
See SEPP on a first teleoperation rideout here:
See SEPP blink and with new bumpers:
More impressions here:
Read the SEPP wiki, if you want to see more about architecture and development with SEPP:
- Create a platform to evaluate sensors, sensor fusion approaches and algorithms in a small sized and comparatively cheap prototype
- Use open source hardware and software to enable contributors and users to clone the prototype
- Use computer vision and ultrasonic sensors to implement first autonomous functions
- Use artificial intelligence for trained autonomous functions
- Use the platform to collect data for training of artificial intelligence
- 1:10 remote controlled car set with new motor (crawler brushed motor), new steering servo and stiffer
- nvidia jetson tx1 - GPU computing platform for hosting ROS and computer vision algorithms and machine learning
- Arduino - one to have a sensor board and one to have a actuator board
- ros - Robot Operating System (ROS)
- OpenCV - Open Source Computer Vision Library
- TensorFlow - open source machine learning framework [planned]
- sensors: 8 x ultra sonic, rgb camera, 3D camera (kinect style), gyroscope, radar, gps dongle, 2D 360 degrees LiDAR
- actuators: thrust servo, steering servo, red flashlight, buzzer
- infrastructure: ethernet shields for arduino, ethernet switch, NiMh accu pack, usb hubs, power bank (to power arduinos an jetson tx1)
- car body: bumpers, constructed aluminium frame designed and made by Andreas N. aka G-Shocker (thanks for that!), constructed 3D printed parts (, plenty of tape, cable ties, jumper cable and solder :)
- jetson tx1 up and running on ubuntu Xenial
- ROS Lunar Loggerhead up and running on jetson tx1
- simple computer vision pipeline implemented as ROS nodes with openCV
- ultrasonic sensors are read by sensor board (arduino) and sent to ROS core on jetson by ethernet
- thrust and steering servos are controlled by actuator board (arduino) over ethernet messages sent by a ROS node on jetson tx1
- ROS can be run in a distributed setup, so ROS nodes on a remote PC can register on the ROS core on sepp´s jetson tx1
- debugging and logging of ros messages is possible on a remote machine
- visualizations of the camera streams and input and output signals are possible on a remote machine
- teleoperation is implemented in a simple manner
- video streams of rgb camera (backwards) and 3D camera (to the front) ist sent to ROS core on jetson tx1 over Wifi
- a ROS node which reads joystick input on a remote pc sends steering information to actuator board which controls the servos
- a simple collition detection is implemented which reads ultrasonic signals and triggers a ermergancy stop if an obstacle is coming in the way of sepp
As you can see the real autonomous functions have to be implemented. Some work has to be done ;)
- activate buzzer while driving, so nobody falls over sepp
- implement a mode manager for all modes sepp can be in
- try to think about an architecture of ROS nodes to implement sensor fusion, steering of the car and autonomous functions
- think about debugging in ROS nodes running on the jetson tx1
- simple lane depature warning done by computer vision -> can be extended to lane follow function
- do a "trained drive" on a known parkour: train TensorFlow with data of humans driving the parkour
more to follow...